17 MAY 1968, Page 29

Sir: With reference to Angus Maude's article of 10 May.

. . . It has always distressed me to see Angus Maude's name amongst the 'Noes' on homosexual law reform. I think a grave injustice has been done to homosexuals over the years and, when one realises that communist Czecho- slovakia liberalised its homosexual laws before we did here, I feel that this country has not been living up to its name as 'mother of the free.' I wonder how accurate he is when he talks of a left package deal'? Take a look at some of the supporters of homosexual law reform: Patrick Wall, Ronald Bell, QC, Sir Peter Rawlinson, QC (a sponsor of the Sexual Offences No. 2 Bill), and, not forgetting that regular supporter, right from the very first opportunity the Commons had of voting on this issue in 1960, J. Enoch Powell. I don't think Patrick Wall was set upon the other day because of his liberal tendencies. Sir Peter Rawlinson frankly admits that he likes being a reactionary. Ronald Bell is one of the leading opponents of the Race Relations Bill, and everyone knows about Enoch Powell's views on immigration.

Luton, Beds

R. 7'. Luxton