17 NOVEMBER 1838, Page 6



The Queen Regent of Spain opened the session of the Cortes on the 8th instant. The people, as she passed through the streets, were sulky and silent. Her 5Iajesty appeared ill and jaded. All the meni. hers of the corps diplornatique were present, and the interior of the Chamber laal a splendid appearance. The speech is remarkable for a candid admis-ion of the desperate state of affairs. The recognition of the Queen by the Porte, which was due to the exertions of that Eng. lish Amtuti ssielor at Constantinople, was the solitary bit of coanfort. The aid given by foreign powers to the Carlists had rendered it neces- sury to call upon the allies of Spain for their " mediation." The recent defeats of the army, the daily increasing inadequacy of the revenues, inel the necessity of the "greatest sacrifices" to meet the "exigencies of the moment" and provide for the future, are fully admitted.