17 NOVEMBER 1838, Page 6

The Recovery of Tenements Act, passed last sesion, has consider-

ably increased the busiuess of the AI ,gistrates; amona wirmo, how- es et, there is difference of opinion Os to whether it extenas to lodgers ot.eupying one or twa rooms or part of it house from it Nutlet holding faeui the .superior landlord. Some 3 laaistrates have refused to give Possession of lodgings under the new law ; others Lava freely done so. To reconcile these conflicting opittions, the opinion of Sir John Camp. bell, the Attorney-Gen:mil, has been taken. His oeillion is, that the tiew law extends to lodgings or part of it tenement ; antl it copy of it has been forwarded to all the Police•olllees. Several 31...eistrates have, riotwithstanding, declared they shall not net on the opinion of the Queen's Attorney. (;eneral, and wail mt Imualanuts be issued from the Court of Qiteetes Bench they shall deeide according to their own judgment.—Brieham Patriot. [Another beautiful special:al of " Re-

tk» to " act scents to be defective in a most essential pat t.)