17 NOVEMBER 1855, Page 1

The general foreign intelligence, like the domestic, is uneventful ;

or if there are events, we have no sufficient account of them. Gene- sal Canrobert, for instance, has gone to Sweden on a special mis- sion ; and his arrival in Stockholm created a sensation which proves that it was regarded there as an event of some importance: but we know no more. The ring of Sardinia has opened his Chambers, and is as sound in body as he is in heart : but we knew as much before, and his probable journey to England has been discounted.

Spain has the merit of a novelty ; but probably it is only by misadventure. The Cortes have under consideration a totally new constitution : a clause in that constitution declared the offices of state to be open to all Spaniards; Seiler Figueras, a member of the committee on the bill, proposed to add a rider explicitly declaring that grandees of Spain should no longer enjoy the monopoly of certain offices. Olozaga, the Ambassador to France, at present in Madrid on leave of absence, is a member of the committee, and he rather countenanced the rider. For this, as an official, he was taken to task by General Zabala, a member of the Government ; and he resigned. Thus the Government of Espartero stands com- mitted to the defence of grandee privileges and to a quarrel on the point with Olozaga. In India, the religious disturbances among the natives continue • and we have instances of open rebellion, mutiny, or fanatical brawling and bloodshed, in all the three Presidencies. The sus- picion that foreign emissaries have instigated the natives to busy the Government and troops of Great Britain is materially strength- ened.

In the opposite direction, the West, we have another outburst of Cnshingism. The Attorney-General of the Federal Government appears to continue his demonstrations against Great Britain ; and the papers reprint more of his hosiile " opinions" on enlistment and neutral rights. At the same time, the journals give proud prominency to such facts as the refusal of an American citizen to accept the post of aide-de-camp to the Czar. The election agita- tion was in full swing, and the Yankee bark is loud: it does not follow that the Yankee bite would be equally cruel.