17 NOVEMBER 1855, Page 10

The Reverend Dr. Vaughen was yesterday committed by the Lambeth , :

Magistratefor trial on' the charge of falsifying the parish-register of deaths.. He was admitted. to bail ; two sureties of 500/. each, and himself 10004 -in each easel and left the court " much affected and overcome."

Some parties-in Berlin accused of unlawfully revealing telegraphic intel- ligence forstockjobbing purposes received sentence on Monday. janok, the clerk, was condemned to three-years' imprisonment, with loss of social rights- as a citizen for-five years' for having-transgressed his official duties.; Julius. Reichenheim; forhavingtbribed an official, to two years' imprisonment, with: loss of-social rights fortwo years; and -Dicier Reichenheim to half this term c Meyer; the banker, for being' an accomplice in the- said act- of bribery; .to- tWo-and--tohalf yefirtt imprisonment and three years' social degradation..