17 NOVEMBER 1855, Page 5

furrign au/i (folottial.

FRANCE.—The Moniteur has thought fit to give a formal contradiction to the " malevolent rumours" that a change of Ministry is at hand, and to add to its denial " severe censure."

In an article on the " floating batteries," which played such an im- portant part in the attack on Kinburn, the Noniteur makes known " tho inventor of the new arm "—tho Emperor Napoleon. According to this statement, the Emperor, anticipating that the fleets could make no im- pression on the marine fortresses of Russia—indeed, almost interdicting them from the attempt—" sought for the means of creating what may be called a siege-fleet, the ordinary fleet being only constructed to fight ships." What he desired to do was to build vessels of smaller dimensions, drawing less water, more rapidly constructed than ordinary men-of-war, and less liable to destruction ; having their aides covered with thick iron plates, against which Paixhan shells would shiver like glass. Ho there- fore instituted a series of experiments at Vincennes, to test the effect of heavy guns throwing both hollow and solid shot against iron sheathing. It was found that the iron sheathing resisted both shot and shell.

" This fact being determined, the Emperor commenced the planning of a special vessel according to the following programme : one tier of guns, light draught of water, not very high above the water-line, and effectual protec- tion against every kind of projectile. Sailing qualities were obliged to be sacrificed to the particular object in view ; and the Emperor gave to this new engine of war the name of floating battery,' in order to show that it was not a vessel made like any other, to pursue or to avoid the enemy, but a real siege-battery, to energetically and for a long time contend against fortifications considered by the enemy as unattackable by sea. On the French naval engineers being consulted, they readily comprehended the pro- posed plan, which was promptly decided on. The floating battery could only be masted in such a way that the masts could be entirely lowered before going into action, and a steam screw would allow of its taking up its proper position without other assistance."

When the experiments proved successful, " the Emperor eagerly com- municated his views to our faithful and great ally." Some surprise was at first felt by competent persons, men of knowledge and experience; but they too yielded when experiments tested the value of the invention, and the two Governments agreed to build a certain number. These floating batteries first came under fire at Kinburn ; and although repeatedly struck, the projectiles could neither pass through nor damage their sides, while the guns of the batteries soon opened practicable breaches in the stone walls.

TURKEY.—" Authentic " telegraphic despatches, received from Paris yesterday, report on the movements of Omar Pasha.

"On the 5th of November (the anniversary of Inkerman,) Omar Pasha beat the Russians in a pitched battle, on the river Ingour, in Mingrelia. The Russians numbered 20,000. The fight lasted five hours. The Russians suffered severely." A second despatch confirms this, and adds—" Omar Pasha forced the passage of the Ingour at four points, against superior num- bers. The Generalissimo has pushed on to Kutais."

Another despatch relating to the Asian campaigns has been received from Trebizond.

" Trebizond, Nov. 1.—The Russians have sent from Kars to Alexandropol the greater portion of their baggage. This seems to indicate that they are about to raise the blockade of Kars. The besieged are able to keep open their communications. Eight thousand Turks are marching on Kutais. It is rumoured that the Russians have evacuated Kutaia, and have retired on Tiflis. The Duke of Newcastle left Trebizond on the let for Constantinople."

A London Gazette Extraordinary, issued on Saturday, contained a despatch from Major-General Williams to the Earl of Clarendon, giving a circumstantial account of the defeat of the Russians at Kars on the 29th September. It appears that General Williams had, as long ago as June, divined the main point against which, in the event of an assault, the enemy would direct his efforts ; and that Colonel Lake accordingly threw up works on that point. The presumed object of attack was the heights of Tahmasb ; and so it turned out on the 29th September. Ge- neral Kmety commanded the division occupying that eminence, assisted by Major-General Hussein Pasha, with Major Teesdale as Chief of the Staff. Before the 29th, the enemy had put in motion "immense trains of heavy baggage " towards Georgia, apparently with the object of de- ceiving the garrison into the belief that the siege was about to be raised, and thus relaxing their vigilance. In this ho failed, and new works were thrown up at the last moment. " At four o'clock on the eventful morning of the 29th, the enemy's co- lumns were reported to be advancing ou the Tullman!) front. They were three in number, supported by twenty-four guns ; the first or right column being directed on Tahmasb Table, the second on Yukseh Tabia, and the third on the breastwork called Rennison Lines. As soon as the first gun announ- ced the approach of the enemy, the reserves were put under arms in a cen- tralposition, from which succours could be despatched either to Tahmasb or the English lines. The mist and imperfect light of the dawning day in- duced the enemy to believe that be was about to surprise us : he advanced with his usual steadiness and intrepidity ; but on getting within range he was saluted with a crushing fire of artillery from all points of the line. This- unexpected reception, however, only drew forth loud hurrahs from the Rus-- sian infantry as it rushed up the hill on the redoubts and breastworks. These works poured forth a fire of musketry and rifles, which told with fear-

ful effects on the close columns of attack, more especially on the left one, which, being opposed by a battalion of 450 Chasseurs armed with Mini& rifles, was after long and desperate fighting, completely broken, and sent headlong down the bill; leaving 850 dead on the field, besides those carried off by their comrades.

" The central column precipitated itself on the redoubts of Tahmasb and Tukseli Takes, where desperate fighting occurred and lasted for several hours; the enemy being repulsed in all 'his attempts to enter the closed 're- doubts, which :mutually flanked each other with their artillery and mus- ketry, and made terrible havoc in the ranks 'of the assailants ; anditwas here that Generals Kmety and Hussein Pasha, together with Major Tees- dale, so conspicuously displayed their courage and conduct. Lieutenant- General Kereen Pasha also repaired to the scene of desperate strife to en- courage the troops, and wounded in the shoulder, and had two horses killed under him.

" The right column of the Russian infantry, supported by a battery, eventually turned-the left flank of the intrenched wing of the Tahmasb

tle- fesees ; and whilst the Russian battery opened in the rear of theelosed re- doubt-at its salient angle, their infantry penetrated eoteiderubly behind our petition. 'Observing the commencement of this movement, and anticipatiog its consequences, Lieutenant-Colonel Lake, who had taken the direction of wears in the English Tablas, was instructed to send a battalion from Fort Lake [one of the new works] to the assistance of the defenders of Tahmasb ; and at the same time two battalions of the reserves were moved across the flying bridge and upon the rocky height of Las Je.ppe Tabia. These three reinforcing columns met each other at that point - and being hidden from the enemy by the rocky nature of the ground, confronted him at a most np- iportune moment ; they deployed, opened their-fire, which stopped and soon drove back the enemy's reserves, which were then vigorously charged with the bayonet, at the same moment when General Kmety and Major Teesdale issued from the redoubts at Tahmasb and charged the assailants. The whole df that portion of the enemy's infantry and artillery now broke and fled down the heights under a murderous fire of musketry. This occurred at half-past eleven, after a combat of seven hours. In 'this part of the field the enemy -bad, including his reserves, twenty-two battalions of infantry, a large force of Dragoons-end Cossacks, together with thirty-two guns. " Whilst this struggle, which I have attempted to describe, was occurring at Tahmasb, a most severe combat was going on at the Eastern position of the-line, called the -English Tablas. About half-past five o'clock a. in., a Ruseran column, consisting of eight battalions of infantry, three regiments of cavalry, and sixteen guns, advanced from the valley of Tehakmak, and as- saulted those small redoubts; which, after as stout a resistance as their un- avoidably feeble garrisons could oppose, "fell into their hands, together with the "connecting breed-works, defended by townsmen and mountaineers from Lazistan, whose 'clannish tags, according to their custom, were planted be- fotelhem en the epaulinents, and, consequently' fell into the enemy's hands. But ere the firing had begun in this portion of the field, Captain Thompson 'had veeeived orders to send a battalion of infantry from each of the heights ofSaradagh and Arab Table to reinforce the English lines. This reinforce- raent.deseended the deep 'golly through which-flows the Kars river, passed a bridge recently thrown across it, and ascended the opposite precipitous bank by g Zigzag path which led into the line of works, named by the Tories Iagliz Tabias (the English Batteries). Their arrival was as opportune as that of the reserves directed towards Tahmasb, which I have had the ho- nour to describe'in the former part of this deepateh : these battalions, joined to thesedtreoted by Lieutenant-Colonel Lake, gallantly attacked and drove the Russians Poet of the redoubts at the point of the bayonet, After the 'artil- lery of the-enemy had been driven-from those lines by the cross-fire directed from Fort Lake and from Arab Tabia and Karadagh, by Captain Thompson. This officer deserves my best thanks for having Seised -a favourable moment to remove a heavy gun from the Eastern -to the Western• extremity of -Kam- dagh, and with it inflicted severe-loss on the enemy. ' After the Russian infantry was driven from the English redoubts, the whole of their attacking force of cavalry, artillery, and infantry, retreated with precipitation, plied with round shot teem all the batteries bearing on their columns. During their temporary success, however, the -enemy cap- lured' two of our -light guns, which the mortality amongst our horses from 'Millie prevented our withdrawing from their advanced positions. He also carried off his wounded, and many. of his dead : yet he left 363 of the latterwithin and in front of these ratrenchments; and hie retreat occurred at least an hour before the assailants-of Tahmasb were put to flight. "During this combat, which lasted nearly seven -hours, the Turkish- in- fantry, as well as artillery, fought with -the most determined -courage : and 'when lt is recollected that they had worked on their intrenchroents, and gnerded 4hem by night, thraughouta period extending to nearly four months, -I think. our Lordship will admit that they have proved themselves worthy of the admiration of Europe, and established an undoubted claim to be -placed amongst the most distinguished of its troops.

" With regard to the enemy, as long as there was a chance of ..success he .persevered with undaunted-courage, and the Russian officers -displayed the greatest gallantry. Their lees was immense.; they left on the ,field more than 5000 dead, which it took the Turkish infantry .four days to bury. Their wounded and prisoners in our possession:amount to 160, whilst those Who were carried off are said to be upwards of WOO.

"As the.garrison was-afflicted with cholera' and I was apprehensive of a great increase of the malady should this melancholy duty of the burial of the dead-be not pushed forward with everyposaible vigour by our fatiguedand jaded soldiers, I daily visited theacene of strife to encourage- them-in their almost endless task ; and I can assure your Lordship that the whole batticefield `presented a scene which is more easy to conceive than to describe, being literally covered with the enemy'a deadand -dying. The Turkish dead and wounded were removed on the might of the. battle. The_deadinumbered 362, the mounded 631. The town's-people, wheals° fought .withepisit, lost 101 men."

General Mouraviers -report has also been published. ;It is =of -great leugth, and eneumbered withletaiL Itahows that the Russians _made the meet desperate efforts even :to hold.the portion of the heights they bad carried early-in the:day. -His own loss is fixed ' by General Moura- viel ate 6517 killed and-mounded,and the lees of the _Turks .at 4000.

■ Tha Portelas _granted the required _firman for eke linstendje Canal, from the bend of the Danube to the Black Sea.

-Attention-has been again ,drawn t to the atrocities -committed by the .-Austrian troops in Wallachia, and-lhe generally extra-legal character of -their government. It appears that the matter is likely to arouse the in- terferenee of the Western- Powers. -A short time since, an officer formerly in The Austrian service enow-servirig with-the Angica,'Prirkish Contingent, -was arrested ley'Austrean troops in Wallachia, whither he had ,gone on military business : he wore the British uniform. .It is contended:that Austria has no right to exercise sovereign powerldWellemhie

Thaexportation.of cereals has been forbidden by the -Sultamin all the ;ports of the Turkish empire. Cereals importediinto Turkey for con- tartunption are-to beallowed.to enter duty-free.

Tan dullaeason has -apparently set in as regards news

from the Crimea. The latest arrivals from that quarter, and the corre- . fpondence coming _from Paris and Germany, still speak of a-battle that it anticipated will 'be ventured - by _Prime Gortschakoff .-but when ? "Deserters," those purveyors of auspicious mews, seem -to .the main authorities for the statement. Roadmaking was still the order of the day. " Go in what direction you please," writes the correspondent of the II-am- ine Post on the 29th October, it is impossible to-get away from the sound of pick-axe and hammer : sitting in one's own tent, _tarsi:ding to .Balaklav

is a

it s all the samex only varied by the reports of the blasting of socks; and one is even occasionally obliged to leave the tent he is ratting in midget into a more aecure,place, until an-ex-Plosion is ever. 'There is yet en im- mense deal to be 'dote-to perfect theroads-hifil out; but, when finished, Rig almost probable that everything required for the winter will have been brought up, and-that all hands will, for a period, have-nothing-to do. How- ever, it-is safe emerr on the right side, if over-precaution can be so consider- ed. At four p. m. the day's labour finishes; and when the word iegiven, it is amusing to hear a yell that is taken -up from one end of the line to the ether, much like schoolboys dismissed for the holidays. A locomotive will this week be started on the line of rail that has been made across the plain from Balaklava-to the Sardinian camp." The batteries on -the North side were pounding away at the town of Sebastopol. The Allies have 'completed some powerful counter-batteries; and the camp 'report was, that these, in conjunction with the floating 'materiels, would bombard Port -Constantine and the other forts. Kin- burn has been repaired, garrisoned, and secured against any forces the enemy _mild bring before it. Spencer's Brigade had returned to Sebes- tepid ; but the part of Bazanie's brigade, not in garrison at Kinburn, is believed to have landed at Enpatoria. There is a talk of a landing at Kaffa, in order to secure a footing for spring 1)2er/diens.; but it 'equine .confirmation The following passage, forniing the' first two paragraphs of General Simpson's " orders " issued on the 27thGetober, has attracted attention— "The Commander ofthe Forcesbaa been much etnprisied at the-numerous applicationsior leave of absence which have lately:eeached him from officers of all ranks in this army. He has to:remind them, that they are gall in the presence of a powerful enemy; moreover 'that they-have duties to perform

camp not less important than those in the field; and that the instruction, discipline, and wellbeing of the troops, are subjects which require the earn- s:et-attention of all good soldiers."

-Sir William Codrington :has formally accepted the command of the British army in the Crimea. On .Tuesday his appointment to the local rank of General in Turkey wwenotifiedinehe Imam Gazette.

Messrs.—A telegraphic.mesaage from St. 'Petersburg, dated 'Tuesday, states that "the Emperor Alexander left Iiicolaieff on the'7th, and pro- ceeded to-the Crimea to tharik the Russian army in person. His Majesty found his brave troops in a perfect condition. On the 12th the Czar started to return to St. Petersburg, via Moscow."

The Russian army under the orders of General Luders, the army-tit the South, has recently changed its position. Hitherto some watch has

been kept on the Austrian frontiers, but now nearly all the troops have been moved to the South. The troops at Kieff have been moved to the Boug and the Dnieper; the-fortresses of Akerman and even Ismail have supplied contingents, and the'Cossack militia of Pultowa and Tchernigoff . -have teen sent to the same destination. At Nicolaieff the defences.have risen with.great rapidity under the eye of theTimperor, andgreat changes have been made in the personnel of the 'departments there. Admiral

Berth has made way-for Admiral Malin as superintendent of the Marine division, anti War Governor of Nicolaieff. The regiment of Praga, as et peculiar favour, has been bestowed on General.Luders, and General Li-. prandi has received from the Emperor the "order -of St. Vladimir with .the Swords" for his service at the battle of the Tehernaya.

The Pays of -Paris published :a letter from St. Petersburg, of the 4th November, written by one said'to be "in -a position to know what takes

place," -which may be reed -'for what it is -worth. It begins with the phrases " Russia is very sick "--" aT1 men feel the want of a speedy lAilee, but no one dares. gives utterance Mins thoughts." The Emperor 'is only saferso long as he can any That 'he:has „kept Itusaia intact. The nobles.feeloeverely the chain a men, estimated at from .50 to 60 per

1000 souls already ; and the peasants are frequently ,forced into the ranks. The nobles -have been bribed by the .confirmation of their privi- leges; the...peasant-recruits are shaved as aota Afl -seized, and some of them are chained. Many escape and brigandage infrequent in some of the Eastern governments. The brigands are mostly deserters. A prince, not remarkable for humanity, -was assassinated in broad day near his home: AhellS888811)/3 were recruits from his village. Murders have been cammitted,near-St. Petersburg itself. " I-think,"-says the letter-writer, " thatlf ithisaMte-of things.ge on- foranother year, Russia will fall into an anarchy of bloodshed." The carts, cattle and horses, contributed to the army, have been, the former burnt, the latter eaten in the Crimea ;

and agneultureauffers in consequence. The want-of :salt is grievously felt. landowners, it is ,said, who -have not been .able-to sell their corn,

'have-not eared:le-sow ; -and " if this state ofthings lasts two years-more,

-there--will -be a famine:" -With-regard to-the -army, Russia may recruit another million, but her available force does not exceed,500,000men.

The loss since the commencement of the war is estimated at303,600 men.

It:takes a long timelo make a:Russian soldier—after ten years the recruit is not up inhis exercise. " A Russian.army_of 200,000 or.200,000 men,

_destroyed by-famine, _disease, the .sword, is an :army the Czar cannot replace. The best way toluksh with_Russiais Aubill.as.rnany Russians as possible." The letter speaks:of-Ai new cannon invented by an American, and sub- mitted .to the Czar, and ordered to be tested ; and of an invention _ief Jacobi for throwingrockets an enormous distance.

The writer:describes the Empress as.having gained:an ascendancy over -bee husband. This anecdote is told of her.

"The Grand Duke Constantine proposed, in a council of war, to arm end. -equip the whole fleet of Cronstadt, Revel, and Swenborg; to embark 20,000 -men-of picked troops; to make sail at a propitious hour, to force a passage =through the Allied squadrons, or await their departure, and the 'moment they left the Baltic to. effect a landing in Scotland or England. Rather than perish with his men in the basins-of-Gronstadt, was it not better to attempt testrike terror_atLandon,ewhich be _hoped- to• enter -with his 20,000 men without meetinganyeerious opposition on the way? "

-For momentrit thmEmperorwas-gained over ; but he hearken- ed - to the advice of his-wife, -who-said-that the 20,000 men -might one

-day lee-wanted'to defend-St. Petersburg itself. The idie-fixe of Constan- tine " appears to be, that he could sack and burn London, or bury him- self and his troops under the smokieg :ruins of the first commercial city in the world."

The:Berlin correeporidenttffthe Time- writing -nnIslondsy last, re- ' marks that, jurIgierby the-number of Office= appointed, -the armed-mi- title must amount to 297,670 men. But from this number, a fourth, at least, must be deducted, because few of the drusehines are at their nomi- nal strength, and in some instances the complement required has not been raised at all. " The unwillingness to serve," he adds, " has reached such a point that a penal law, similar to that for punishing recruits. ho desert, has become 'necessary." The recently-ordered levy of course:im- 'eludes Poland, and it is ,the eighth levied in that country aince the:be- ginning of 1854. As aset-off against this state of things, augmented ac- tivity in the arsenals and dockyards is visible. Steamers are built even on the Caspian Sea—" two of 160-horse power are to be called Astrachan and Derbend, one of 60-horse power is to be called Astora, another of 80 Burlak ; and besides these, two schooners to be called Cossack and Turkmann." For the purpose of increasing the number of officer!, the Emperor of Russia has issued an ukase, applieehle to the whole 9£ the empire, facili- tating the entrance of poor nobility into the army. In consideration 9f the complete ruin of Russian commerce at Sebastopol, Eupatoria, Yalta, Eertch, Kai% and Berdiansk, the Emperor has ordered that the trade shall be exempt from all the usual tegee and duties, until the restoration of -tranquillity in the Tauride.

WI3DEN.---The arrival of Generelfianrobert at Stockholm has raised crop ofspeculatioes on the future. 'The public talk continues to be of an glliance with France. Some of the journals assert that an alliance has been concluded, and that _an _extraordinary session will be convoked in February to sanction the coming declaration of war ; that Sweden will operate by sea with goo gun-boats, and in Finland with 00,000 men ;.and that 50,000 French and English troops will.be employed peat year in the Baltic.

One of the Democratic Swedish papers gives an account of the origin of General Canrobert's visit, current in Stockholm. Last summer, Baron Bonde, than "King Oscar's right hand," was intrusted with a confidential mission to Paris. When he returned, he seemed to have lost favour at Court. That is explained by the,joernalist in this way— "What can have happened to cause the sudden change ? 'Nothing more or loft than :filet the worthy Baron during his stay in Paris wept beyond his Instructions to a very serious extent. People speak of a brilliant dinner given by the Emperor, after which his Imperial Majesty is said to have bpd a conversation with the Baron _touching several important questions in refer- mice to the policy of the Court of Sweden ; and that Baron Bonde displayed a rather undiplomatic amount of candour, not gay on general matters, for he went so far in his cordiality as to give the Emperor—of course, on his Sovereign's behalfeeetleast half a promise that before next spring Sweden woadjoin the cause ,pf the Western Powers. If this anecdote is true, as I really believe it is, At is.not very difficult to divine the _d,eeper purpose of General Campbell's mission." The water concludes that 114. Osc,v is in .falge ligation, end knows atqt which way to turn. General Caurobert had his first official audienee,en the .7th. _Ile was conveyed to court in one of the King's carriages, and saluted on his route by crowds who Viva Canrobert l" " Vivo la Yews!" The au- dience lasted two •how. In the afternoon -the Xing gave _a grand dinner to his guest ; -end there xvere many festivities subsequently.

Gnamswe.—The King of 'Prussia is offended with his beloved .Berliners for electing Liberal representatives, and he has told them go. On his birthday, the 'Municipality carried up a congratulatory addrees to the Xing. A fortnight afterwards, he made thiemply-

-"Zratifying as this expression of unwavering fidelity and devotion-from a (matter so honourable and important has been to my paternal heart, the im- pression which the late elections to the,House of:Deputies in-the aaid'city.haa produced, has not failed to be a painful-one-to me. Your noble and loyal feelings will sympathize with me in this, more particularly at a mommit in which the support of the government ie the first and foremost exigeocy:ef the conntry." Tare .Post Sinai Gazette contains ,e letter from llsrubur,g of the Atli, which states that the authorities of that plane had instituted new pro- feetlings against parties enlisting 'for the Foreign Legion. Several .per- eousim-ve been arrested, end amongst others the captain of the .steamer Heligoland, who has taken many individuals to the English recruiting- (.16p0t. He has been placed in solitary confinement.

Ezrcruu.—King Leopold opened. on Tuesday the winter *mien. of the Legislative. Chambers. His speeeh from the throne was solely. taken .up with topics local to Belgium. He has received reiterated proofs of ,the sympathetic confidence of foreign Governments ; and his son the Duke of Brabant has learned by experience the high rank Belgium 'holds among the nations. The internal situation of the country, considering the dif- ficulties of the times, is generally satisfactory ; but the high price of pro- visions, imposing privations en the poor, gals or the exercise of official and unofficial benevolence. Commerce continues to prosper, and the relations of .Belgiera with foreign countries is extending. Many weeks of public utility are in program, furniabing opportune resources to Use working elasaes.

PrsLx.--The King of Sardinia opened the Piedmontese Chambers on Monday, with the following speech— "The year which has just closed has been for me a period of heartrending and cruel visitations.

." I have not hesitated to unite the arms of Sardinia to those .Powers who eve struggling in the cause of justice, in behalf of the civilization waddle independence cif:the nations. It is a proud thing for our soldiers and esilers to share in the dangers and the glories of the brave armies of FfliIICC, of England, ,and a Turkey. May God grant his blessing Meer united-efforts to make the next pease jaeting—one which -shall Mauro to each nation its legitimate rights. The expenses of tbe war necessitate a ,recurrence te:the public credit, by which the,Government will. endeavour:to render theleneral 'burdens lees onerous. -Let Sardinia matinee to offer the noble example of a monarch and his people United,by indissoluble ties of mutual love and con- fidence ; maintaining inviolate the bases of public welfare, of order, and of liberty." The Municipality-of Turin inaugurated this day -the tablets whereon etre inscribed the names of the Tuscans slain in 1848 in the war of inde- pendence. These tablets, are to be placed beside those in honour of the Piedmontese who died in the same cause.

'It-has been stated, -butuot confirmed, that the diplomatic difficulties :between Piedmont and Tuscany are nearly arranged. M. Buol -has 'thought proper to give certain explanations on the dictatorial language of the Cabinet of Vienna, which the Sardinian Government has equally .thought proper to accept. ,Ernhably M., Sauli .will return, and Tuscany AKill send a Minister M &`etIN.-1.41 the fortes, en the 4th instant, M. Areas asked the Minis- ter of Foreign Affairs if the relations of Span with foreign powers were satisfactory ; and he remarked that it was strange that so many Spanish Ministers-to foreign courts.should be garment in the capital. The Min- biter of Foreign Affairs replied, that the :relations with all foreign powers, "Russia excepted," were of the -most friendly character ; and that the reason why so many -Ministers to -foreign courts were in Madrid was sim- ply and solely that they had been summoned because they were members Qf the CorWs.

The successful leaders of armed insurrection in Spain could net well forget Riego. On Wednesday week, the anniversaryof ilia fixer ninon thirty-two years ago, was accordingly celebrated by agrarid nubile funeral. On the Plaza de Cebado, where he was executed, heneeferth the Plaza de Riego, an altar waa erected, and masses said for the repose of his soul. A procession of National-Guards, accompanied by -the Ma. drilenos and many of the clergy, proceeded on the route by which Riego was carried to execution, assisted at a requiem on the spot, and then at- tended a service at the church of San Millen. Espartero and the other Ministers-took part in this remarkable celebration.

GRRECE.--Russian sympathies display themselves openly in -Greece, net only in the.appointments of the new Ministers, and the persecution of officers known to hold anti-Rusaian opinions, but in the sots of the Court. A new -Greek church was recentlyinaugurated, and the occasion watt eagerly _seized to make a demonstration. The-King and Queen went with great pomp. The Minister of the Czer, N. Persiani, and all the person uel of .the Russian Legation and clergy, received their Majesties. Hymns were chanted, in which the names of the Emperor Alexander and King Otho were: iegled together. Meanwhile, brigandage revels in atrocities, which the Government is powerless—if willing—to prevent.

The rather ostentatious arrival of an American Minister at Athens has given rise to a report that the American Government desires to purchase an island in the Archipelago and that the sum offered for this island is "precisely-the amount of that owed by-Greece to the Western States for loans of which she has never been able to pay either capital or interest." It is also remarked, that " the Ambassador of the Union -has displayed ranch zeal in placing himself in communication with the Minister of iivasia ; to whom hp paid a visit op his arrival, which was,distinguished by a certain Pan111."

Ixnra .--The overland,mail arrived in London on Wednesday night, The latest dates are—Bombay, October 17; Calcutta, October 8. The chief topic of interest still relates to the religious dissensions in Oude. Apprehensions were felt that the Moburrum would not pass over without fighting 1410,1mget between the Mabomedane mad Hindoos. Neverthe- law there wasno more than the usual amount of turbulent demonstra- tion. At iFyrabad, however, the sects mine to blows, lives were lost, end the Hindeos were victorious. This gave the agitation a new im- pulse ; end. Ameen Ali, the Mottlav,ie, or high priest of the Mahomedans, at Sehowlee, twenty-eve miles from Lucknow, proclaimed a crusade against the infidel. A considerable number of fanatics joined his stand. and ; but when he seemed about to act, he suddenly repaired to Lucknow: The Government gave out that he was strictly watched ; but this was supposed to be a ruse on their part, in order to inflame the Mabomedans, and give Ameen Ali time to increase the numbers of his followers. Lucknow swarmed with agents; inflammatory pamphlets, similar to that entitled "The Sword the Key of Heaven and Hell,' were spread abroad; and Ameen Ali thaaPPeerel from Lucknow, richer in men and money than before. "Four flays passed," asYs thellombity correepondent of the Times, "be- fore his flight was made known to the King; who, professing the utmost surprise aniliod4mation, ordered out trove, end despatched them under the guslaucte of acme of his principal generals and attendants to bring back the Moelevie alive or dead. Ameen Ali, eurreunded by his fellatio' chiefs, re- ceived the summons of his S.overeign • but, far from obeying, ordered the two officers who were specially intrusted with the mission into a confinement reel or.pretended. The leader of the troops, instead of attacking the Mon- Imie as a rebelliois subject, treated with him upon.ternis of equality; and finally the following -conditions were agreed to. The troops were to return to 1.,waknow unmolested and unmolesting; for one mouth the lionlavie was teo,rerP4in quiet : if within that inoeth, dating from the 4th of StieWeiber, the Durbar, in the name of :the King, should order the demolition of the templeand the,ereetion of ampsjid en its ate, an order which the genera/ plegged himself to obtain, Amoco All would still remain quiet ; but if the Burbar should fail in its duty to Allah and his Prophet, then the Mon- lavie was to be at liberty to carry his followers to Pyzabad, and set es should seem to him advisable And advantageous to the faith." The month had expired, but the course adopted by the Government had not been made known.

It appears that the incendiary pamphlet referred to above was origi- nally written in Persian, and thence translated into Hindostanee : it beam date so far back as June or July 1852, although it has only recently been in circulation. 'It was printed at a native press et Cawnpore, where the 'Indian Government seized 800 copies.

The Boatel insurrection is still =suppressed. The offer of pardon is attributed to fear, and has failed to -induce -the insurgents to sur- render. On the contrary, they had shown themselves on new points; but at the latest dates thirty Seigel villages bad been burnt, and great preparations were in progreas for an effective campaign. Brigadier -Mackenzie was going on well. At Secunderabad, the Pews of the assault produced a great seneation. It was believed that the Ni- zam was privy,to the assault on Colonel Mackenzie, and the Resident received information that a large body of Maluomedans from Hyderabad were meditating an attack upon the cantonment. To prepare for the worst, the whole of the subsidiary force was called out and remained un- der arms during the night of the ,24th ; which, however, passed over with quiet,thatduis net hitherto been disturbed.

trim= *vars.—The Atlantic arrived at Liverpool on Monday, with advises from New York to the 31st October. A report that an extraordinary Russian ambassador was about to arrive at'Wafilmagton was -revived, although it had been sharply contradicted It isoven out that he will accept, on behalf of Russia, the mediation of,the United States on the Eastern question, and indicate the -terms Russia will agree to ; terms which " will embrace such vast commercial edema. taps kr all the world, that,the industrial classes of France and Englend will,clamour for their acceptance ,as soon as they are generally under,- The following explanations in regard to the rights of belligerents in the -United States had been issued by the Attorney-General at Washington-

" 1. It is a settled principle of the law of nations, that uo belligerent can rightfully make use of the territory of a neutral state for belligerent pur- poses without the consent of the neutral government. 2. The undertaking of a belligerent to enlist troops of land or sea in a neutral state, without the previous consent of the latter, is a hostile attack on its national sovereignty. 3. A neutral state may, if itplease, permit or grant to belligerents the liberty to raise troops of land or sea within its territory ; but for the neutral state to allow or concede the liberty to one belligerent and not to all, would be an act of manifest belligerent partiality and a palpable breach of neutrality. 4. The United States constantly refuse this liberty to all belligerents alike, with impartial justice ; and that prohibition is made known to the world by a per- manent act of Congress. 5. Great Britain, in attempting, by the agency of her military and civil authorities in the British North American provinces, and her diplomatic and consular functionaries in the United States, to raise troops here, committed an act of usurpation against the sovereign rights of the United States. 6. Allpersons engaged in such undertaking to raise troops in the United States for the military service of Great Britain, whether citizens or foreigners, individuals or officers, except they be protected by

diplomatic privileges, are indictable as malefactors by statute. 7. Foreign consuls are not exempted, either by treaty or the law of nations, from the

penal effect of the statute. 8. In case of indictment of any such consul or

other official person, his conviction of the misdemeanour, or his escape by reason of arranged instructions or contrivances to evade the operation of the

statute, is primarily a matter of domestic administration, altogether subor- dinate to the consideration of the national insult or injury to this Govern- ment involved in the fact of a foreign government instructing its officers to abuse, for unlawful purposes, the privilege which they happen to enjoy in the United States."

The French Consul at Boston, in accordance with instructions from his Government, had published the following notice.

"Ships of hostile origin, or which have been the property of the enemy, are not to be reputed neutrals or allies, unless authentic acts issued by public

officers are found on board, certifying that the date of the sale made to some subject of the Allied Powers or to a neutral was before the beginning of hos- tilities, and unless those acts of transfer are locally registered at the office of the principal officer of the French at the port of exhibition, and signed by such officer or his deputy." The New York Daily Times says this notice might intimidate a "weak nation," but will have "quite a contrary effect" in the United States.

Mr. Attorney-General Cushing has stated his opinion to be, that a citizen of the United States has a right to purchase ships of a belligerent, any- where, provided the purchase be bona fide.

CAPE OF GOOD Hope.—We have received files of Cape papers down to the 4th August. The colony seems to be prospering so well that it has no grievance ; and the topics treated of in the journals are either foreign affairs or measures of internal improvement. The Cape Town Mail of the 4th August states that Sir George Grey left Cape Town on the 2d for an extensive tour, embracing the settlements, European and Native, beyond the Orange River, Natal, Caffreland, and British Caffraria.

The fact," says the journalist, " that a Governor of the Cape can follow such a route unsupported by any force, without danger, as a simple tra- veller, is a proof that Southern Africa is no longer the savage land that it was, or was believed to be half a century ago. Even twenty-five years ago, how little was known of the people inhabiting those extensive regions, be- yond their supposed savage and cruel temper, their wildness as roving bands, or their subjection to ferocious tyrants. Their bad qualities were perhaps exaggerated ; but, after making every reasonable allowance for ignorance or misrepresentation, it must be admitted that a great change, a great revolu- tion in their character and habits, has taken place within a very short period. Many of them are no longer merely on the verge of civilization. The Griquas, the Basutos, and several others, have advanced many degrees with- in that pale. They have government regulated by laws. They cultivate grain extensively, and carry it to distant markets. Fire-arms and the horse give them a confidence and consideration which impress their neighbours with respect and apprehension. They stand side by side and face to face with European settlements, on a footing of equality and independence. This grand revolution is progressing more and more rapidly every day." Sir George Grey, it is added, " will have large opportunities during his tour, to consider the applicability of just principles of policy to the existing state of things in this new sphere of observation. No two things are exactly alike. South Africa differs widely from New Zealand. But human nature is amenable to similar influences everywhere. Experience in other coun- tries will protect him against rash experiments in this."

Among the subjects attracting attention was the increase of sugar-cul- tivation at Natal, the success of which was considered certain ; and the capabilities of the Cape for the production of dried fruits, olive oil, and other minor articles of commerce. The exports of wool, which in 1835 amounted to 215,808 pounds, was expected to exceed nine millions of pounds in 1855.