17 NOVEMBER 1860, Page 1

The position of affairs in Italy has not altered. The

Italian army is pushing siege works in front of, Gaeta; the French squadron still maintains its hostile -attitude; and King Francis has decorated Admiral Le Barbier de Tinan. and General GOyon with the order of St. Ianuailtial Victor EMI:nen-del is at Naples forming a government, at the head of which is Farini; with Poerio, •Scialoja, and others as Ministers. Gfaribaldi has gone. to his solitary rock of Caprera, hearing with him the blessings of all good men. His withdrawal into pril,atelife; -When the work for the time is over, without honours, titles, or gold, has made a deep impression on Europe. He promises to come back when wanted, and he fixes neon. the spring of 1861 as the period Of his probable return. Austria will read that 'announcement With mingled feelings of rage and despair ; for ,it is still•doubtful whether the Hungarians and the noti-'Hungarians will accept tii. proffered concessions, and unless they do ,the^s.truggle of,Austriu against Italy alone is almost hopeless; and utterly hopeless, it France be again the' ally of Victor Emmanuel. There are pre:k- privations ofall kinds going on in France slowly and steadily, and -the augmentation of military. and naval means, . on.,• .the Mediterranean coast, and the gradual augmentrition..•of the' garrison of Rome;, must he taken into account in any estimate of the near future. For Eireand the'Emperarhas nothing but smiles, but he turns a cold impenetrahle: eye upon the rest of Europe.