17 NOVEMBER 1860, Page 5


The Orangemen of Belfast have covered themselves with disgrace. Some time since, Bishop Knox prevented a clergyman from preaching an Orange sermon in Downpatrick Cathedral. The Orange ruffians of Bel- fast took their revenge on Monday. A meeting was held to promote the spread of the Gospel in foreign parts. The „Bishop of Down and Connor was there to preside over it. When he took his place, there arose cries of "Turn him out !" "Down with the Bishop !" "Groans for the Puseyite ! " and other brutal cries intermingled with Kentish fire. Dr. Miller, who allowed the inhibited parson to preach, was warmly greeted by the mob. The Bishop of course was driven from the chair, and Dr. Miller, Mr. Ward, and ruffianly manners triumphed.

Mr. Sharman Crawford has written a letter to the Secretary of the Committee for the organization of the Rifle Volunteers in Ireland. He traces the history of Irish volunteering. In 1778, when America was joined by France, Volunteers were raised for the defence of Belfast, and were gradually introduced into Ireland generally. In 1779, when Spain joined the confederacy, there were 40,000 Volunteers in Ireland, and they were the only protection of the country- they stood true to the British connexion, although they demanded concessions for grievances, and some concessions were made. In 1782, the Irish Volunteers amounted to 100,000 men, with 136 pieces of cannon. In 1792, the United Irishmen appeared, but the Volunteers refused to associate with them ; nevertheless, the Government of the day issued proclamations against armed associations, and the Volunteers never appeared on parade again.

Mr. William Levinge, a reliable Irish agricultural statist, has published an important letter on the improvement of agriculture. He points out a deficiency of ordinary farm manure for 350,000 acres, which has arisen during the year, causing a loss of a quarter of a minion in produce. The cultivated arable lands exceed fifteen millions of acres, producing forty- three millions value annually ; under a better system of green crop hus- bandry the yield in value ought to be from 75 to 80 millions. Ireland has lost in one year 1,500,000/. in money value of live stock ; 500,000/. in cereals, &c. ; and there is a deficiency of 9000 acres in cab- bage from frost. Mr. Levinge thinks that the stternent of M. De La- vergne, that 300 millions capital is required to place Ireland and England on an agricultural equality is an overstatement; M. Levinge thinks 200 millions will do it. One hundred millions expended at once would raise the crops to 75 millions value, or 30 per cent interest upon capital.

Miss Aylward was committed to Grangegoram Prison on Thursday week. The motion for her discharge was not made as promised. I he Court refused to inform the gaoler whetlar Miss Alward was to be treated as a convicted or unconvicted prisocer.

The Kildare Street Club, Dublin, was completely burnt down on Satur- day night, together with all the property en the premises. Three female servants lost their lives.

About half-past nine o'clock on Saturday evening, a special goods train from Limerick was thrown off the rails on the switches crossing at the Clon- mel station. The engine was dashed into the embankment, dragging the tender with it. The driver was thrown on the condensing dome, and the fireman several feet upon the embankment. On examing the rails, it was discovered that sonic person had placed a stone between the points of the switch which caused the accident. One or two persons are suspected.