17 NOVEMBER 1860, Page 7


The Prince of Wales arrived at Plymouth, on Thursday, after a long and tedious passage from Portland, in the line-of-battle ship Hero. At half-past six in the evening he arrived at Windsor Castle, and was re- ceived by the Windsor Rifles, who formed a guard of honour. The Prince Consort was there to meet him, the inhabitants heartily cheered, guns fired and bells rang to celebrate the return of England's eldest son.

• On Tuesday, a deputation of hop planters in Kent and Sussex waited upon the Chancellor of the Exchequer, to "state their grievances arising from the failure of the crop of the present year." Sir Brook Bridges, M.P. introduced the deputation. "who were not about to urge on the consideration of the Chancellor, the general question of the hop-duties, by postponement or otherwise, but only the peculiar circumstances of the present year ; a blight had fallen upon the crops this year." Mr. Beresford Hope followed. There was a total blight ; and one of the most practical men, a land agent in Kent for half a century, was of opinion that the moiety of duty would exceed the rent payable to the landlords. Other gentlemen made similar statements, and the Chancellor promised to give his careful attention to the subject.

Early in the week two journals, usually the best informed in the metropolis, announced the conclusion of peace with China. The ground- work of this statement was a telegram from Sir Hope Grant to Mr. Sidney Herbert, reporting the departure of regiments, and the proximate embarkation of the army for home. It turned out on examination that the official world had been deceived by the erroneous transmission of the despatch ; and that, instead of "Twenty-fourth September: it bore "Tien-tsin, fourth September." The .rorning Post holds fast to its original statement, but the Globe, on further investigation, gives up the point.

It is not only English judicial institutions which are unequal to cope with secret murder ; the institutions of Scotland require enlargement, if we are to accept the evidence of a letter which appears in the Times of Tuesday, dated from Edinburgh and signed "M." His criticisms are founded on the Holjrood case, which occupies the exact position that the Road case does in England in discussion. The writer does not impute blame to "the police, usually so called;" he goes to the Procurators Fiscal, who . stand in the position of public investigators directing the police. They are presided over by a sort of central body, called the Crown-office ; in theory this is a council of the ablest lawyers but in practice it is any-

• thing but that. When a crime is committed, it is the business of the Fiscal to collect the evidence, and that, when collected, comes under the cognizance of the Crown lawyers; they may order the suspected person to be brought to trial, order additional inquiry, or may even order pro- ceedings to be stopped altogether. The Fiscals are generally educated solicitors, but who, failing professionally, take to political adventure, of

The Empress of the French left Paris incognito in the family of the Marquis La Grange on Wednesday, crossed the Channel in the packet boat Alliance, and reached Claridge's Hotel, Brook Street, in the evening, On Thursday the Empress was out shopping ; today she resumes her journey to Scotland, on a visit to the Duchess of Hamilton. which their Procuratorships are the reward. The power of the Crown- office is practically wielded by the Deputy Crown-Advocate acting for the time. He is an advocate friendly to the political party in power, and is only partly employed professionally. He is not necessarily trained to criminal investigations ; his best energies are given to push his way in business, and as he may be dispossessed in a moment of his office by poli- tical change, he has neither time nor inclination to perfect himself in his official duties.

" M " suggests, and his suggestions equally apply to England at the present time, that the Crown-office should bo headed by a permanent magistrate or minister of justice, selected for his qualification and with- out reference to political party. To him the local police should report all cases of suspicion, and he' with their assistance, should investigate the crime and collect evidence for the trial. "M" thinks that four or five subordinate magistrates would he sufficient for Scotland to aid such a chief; he also urges the appointment of an assessor in medical jurispru- dence.

The recipients of the 33 per cent absorbed in expenses in bankrupt estates are quarrelling as to the abolition of the tariffs. Mr. William Murray, M.P., one of the most eminent of attorneys, has been addressing his constituents at Newcastle-under-Lyne, upon the enormity of the ex- penses in the official assignees' allowances, which he puts down, in the Birmingham district, at 4600/. and 40001. each. " One of the official assignees of the Birminglulta District" replica through the Times, and he supplies the amount of the spoil received by the legal profession on the same estates which contribute the 46001.; the amount is 11,523/., with a further suns of 2480/. allowed, but paid by parties out of court. If two or three large estates are taken out of the account, the comparison would be—official assignee, 26561.; attorney, 9543/. A very pretty quarrel as it stands. Moral : "Those that live in glass houses should not throw stones."

Mr. John Bright has addressed a letter to a gentleman at Blackburn on the subject of "strikes." He does not blame the workmen more than the upper classes, for there is a total neglect of political economy in our systems of education. The views of all are equally unsound upon trade and labour ; in fact scholars only contend for the same principles as trades' unions, making allowance for difference of circumstances. Mr. Bright traces another source of evil in the exclusion of workmen from the franchise, and he believes that their admission will divert their minds to the consideration of broader questions. At present "they have no political position, and therefore no politics ; in this respect, they are no more free than the labourers in Austria and Aussie." The letter elabo- rates this argument at length.

Sir W. G. Armstrong writes to the Times, to contradict a statement copied into its columns from the Mechanics' Magazine, stating the cost of his gun is the "amazing sum" of 2000/. The cest really is two-thirds of the price paid for the old 12-pounder brass guns, the cost of which is 170/.

The Berwick Election Commissioners sat on Wednesday at the House of Commons Committee room, No. 10. Mr. Rose stated that he did not supply Mr. Earle with money for his election, nor did he know who did. Mr. Flukes, M'Gall's solicitor, stated he did not know where his client was ; he had not gone away in consequence of any ethics from Mr. Flukes. Mr. Martin Crean, a Parliamentary agent, stated that he went toBerwiek-upon- Tweed to institute inquiries into corrupt practices at the election of April, 1859. He assumed no disguise; he met a person named Johnson How Pat- tison at the Woolpack Inn. Pattison was very cautious, except when in liquor ; he promised Crean a list of sixty or seventy names, but he never gave it; sometimes he verbally mentioned names. Crean being shown a list of sixty names said that Pattison had reported these to him as having received sums of 2/. to 3/. each, and some of them as much as 51. Pattison also said he was the principal man employed by M`Gall at elections, and in keeping the freemen together, and giving them money. He told the wit- ness that there was treating at a house, the name of which Crean could not recollect. Pattison was called, and denied thatjhe over dined with Crean, or promised to supply a list of voters. He deuied all Mr. Crean's statements specifically. The chief commissioner told him his evidence was unworthy of credit. Mr. Crean adhered to his statement, and identified Pattison as the person he had seen at Berwick. The Commissioners adjourned till Tues- day, but they will not examine more witnesses unless M`Gall and Tone, who is also missing, appear.

Mr. Benjamin Disraeli is entertaining a collection of his late colleagues at Hughenden Manor ; Lord Malmesbury, Lord Salisbury, Lord John Man- ners, and Lord Stanley, who, as he went into Bucks direct from Knowsley, probably carries his father's wisdom to the council.

The Berlin Royal Academy of Arts elected the Princess Frederic William an honorary member at a full meeting a short time since. Her Royal Highness has accepted the election, and communicated her decision to the Academy.

Professor Faraday has consented to deliver a course of lectures, adapted to a juvenile auditory, "On the Chemical History of a Candle," in the coming Christmas vacation.

The Duke of Somerset will be elected one of the Elder Brethren of the Trinity House, in the room of the late Earl of Dundonald.

The King of Siam has declared war against the Emperor of Assam, who is now at war with France and Spain.

The presentation of the freedom of the city of London, with swords, to Lord Clyde and Sir James Outram, which has been delayed principally on account of the visit of the former to the South of Francs, and the illness of the latter, will take place early in December. The presentation will be followed by a banquet on a magnificent scale at the Mansion-house.

The funeral of the late Earl of Dundonald took place at Westminster Abbey on Wednesday. The pall was borne by Admiral Seymour, the Bra- zilian Minister, Admirals Grenfell and Collier, Captains Goldsmith, Schom- berg, Hay, and Nolleth. The burial service was most impressively per- formed by the Dean and choir. Among the mourners was Lord Brougham, whose feelings gave way to tears. The coffin bore the simple inscription, "The Right Honourable Thomas, Earl of Dundonald, G.C.B., born 14th November, 1775, died 30th of October, 1860." Mr. G. M. BLitt, Q.C., died on Sunday last, at his residence in Eaton Square.

Mr. Alderman Wire, the Lord Mayor of 1868, died at his residence at Lewisham, on Friday week. He had risen from the position of a clerk in the office of Mr. D. W. Harvey, an attorney, but now the City Police Corn-

missioner, entil he hecame a practitioner on his own account : be filled every civic officer, b,ut was uneuecessful in obtaining a mac iti'Parliament, although he rontested both Bastion and Greenwich. Ale had a severe para- lytic attack during his mayoralty, from_which he never fully recovered. At the launching of the frigate Data di Genova, at Genoa, the Prince of Piedmont, the Count d'Aosta, and the Princess Pia,"Mirrowly escaped being buried under a wall which suddenly kit down close to where they were sit- ting. Two persons were killed and eleven others wounded. The Princess fainted.

A shooting-match took place between the members of the London Scottish Rifles on Wimbledon Comnion on Friday week. l'rofessor Masson, of Lon- don University, scored nineteen points, and won the firtt prize, a silver cep, beautifully engraved, the last work of Mr. Davit. • At the parade of the London Scottish Volunteers on Saturday, Lord Eleho stated that he had appointed a court of inquiry to consider the circum- stances which appeared lately in the police reports, where a member of the corps was related to have been seen in uniform walking in improper com- pany in the streets late at night.

The Ladies' Garibaldi Benevolent Association have remitted to General Garibaldi a further sum of 500/. for the use of the sick and wounded of his army.

Mr. Slater, the Secretary of the London Hospital for Diseases of the Chest, Victoria Park, reports that the amount received, in consequence of the ap- peal made at the Mansionhouse; now amounts to 2401.; but 1750/, wore is mperatively required to preserve the institution.

Cardinal Antonelli has written from Rome to Cardinal Wiseman in Lon- don, with the information "that the resources of the Public treasury which had been already diminished by the revolution, have now become of no ac- count." The 'Holy Father has no means of paying his army ; he will not take money from any Government, with compacts and conditions, if his children will contribute "Peter's Pence," for which the Cardinal calls upon the English Catholics. [We should have been glad to have added the amount of Cardinal Antonelli's contribution to the "pence," but he does not state it.] Henry Knell, an artisan in the wheelers' branch of the Royal Carriage Manufactory at Woolwich, has dedicated his leisure between six p. in, and six a.m. to the writing of a book, Chips front the ,Block, being a summary of information for his class. He dedicated it to Colonel Tulloch, who sent a copy to the Queen, and Mr. Knell has received an expression of warm ap- proval, still more substantially expressed by a cheque for 10/. from his Sovereign. Sir Benjamin Hawes has also been a reader, and his acknow- ledgments are made in a present to Knell of Ure's _Dictionary of Arts and Manufactures.

The crews of her Majesty's ships on the Home station have started a sub- scription. which is to extend throughout the entire Navy, for the purpose of erecting a monument to their old commander and friend Sir Charles Napier.

The Hew York Herald has gone into elaborate calculations of the expenses and money circulated by the visit of the Prince of Wales. The Prince dis- tributed his largesses on a magnificent scale, usually giving 500 and 1000 dollars to be distributed among the servants at the hotels where he staved. Our republican fellow citizens outdid the Prince himself in liberality. Where he spent hundreds, we spent tens of thousands. Take the ball at the Academy of Music, for example. Think of the glittering diamonds, the ex- quisite laces, and the costliness of millinery displayed on that occasion. It would be a ridiculously low estimate if we were to place the average outlay of each person present at 200 dollars, and yet at that figure the aggregate expenditure of the 3009 would amount to 600,000 dollars. If we were to set it down at 1,000,000 dollars, that figure would not be extravagant. The half a million of people who filled up Broadway on the day of his entry into New York—many of them coining from distant points—must have paid for their holiday not less than half a million of dollars. On the whole, between the military display, the ball, the firemen's procession, and the general junketings during the few days he remained here, the occasion must have put in "circulation nearly a million of dollars. All this was so much gained to the wealth of the community, for the money came chiefly from the classes that can well afford to be extravagant. The demonstrations at Boston, in- cluding the splendidly successful ball, must have been the means of circu- lating a sum equal, at least, to half of that. Taking these figures as a basis, we might estimate the general expenses, or, we might more properly say, the profit, of the Prince's visit as follows—



Detroit 20,000 Philadelphia, including opera 100,000 Chicago


West Point 5,000 St. Louis 20,000 Albany 10,000 Cincinnati, including ball 100,000 Boston 400,000 Pittsburg 10,000 Portland, including ball to

Harrisburg. 10,000 officers of the fleet 30,000 Washington, including Cabinet dinner and visit to Mount

Expenses in Canada Expenses of the Prince and 1,000,000 Vernon 50,000 suite, and of the fleet 1,000,000


Richmond, including ball 50,000

3,595,000 Baltimore


General aggregate ...

New York 750,000

The Ordinary of Newgate, states in a report to the Court of Aldermen, that there are not less than one hundred persons now in penal servitude,who were in the service of the Post-office.

The inquiry instituted by the Court of Discipline (Disciplinarhof) into the conduct of M. Moller, the Procureur of Bonn, in the case of Captain Macdonald, has terminated. The investigation was ordered by the superior legal authorities, in consequence of the complaints made of the intemperate language used by M. Moller while acting as public prosecutor in the charge of assault. The Court of Discipline does not review the facts of the case, only the conduct of the judicial functionary, as far as it is impugned. M. Moller, in explanation, stated that the terms he used he did not apply to Englishmen in general, not even to all English travellers, but only to those who by their misbehaviour frequently provoked collisions with the authorities. But, as a question of demeanour and conduct, the superior judges have decided that M. blotter's violent language was unbecolning his judicial functions, and have therefore visited him with a reprimand. The German journals contradict the reports that the case has been made the sub- set of formal representations to the Prussian Government.

The troop-ship Perseverance, an unlucky craft, has been wrecked off the Cape Verdes. All the troops and crew- were saved.

The deaths in London last week exhibit a small increase on the numbers of the previous week, 1049 against 1026. The births were 890 boys and 801 girls, total 1691; an increase on the ten corresponding weeks of 1850-9 of 55. A child, three years old,Aied by poison, exhaled from arsenic in paper- hangings—a fact which should be known.

The paddle-wheel schooner Gorgon, 6, left Portsmouth on the 8th, and proceeded 120 miles South-west of Scilly, in search of the Hero, now on her

voyage from Porde-lid with the -Prince of Wiles. Nothing was seen of the Hero, which .wai_.supplied with Warlick's patent 'fuel. On her return voyage, she is supplied with American real; but she can only stow fuel kr twelve days consumption, and after that Is consumed she would not be in so good a position as a sailings.shiP of the same' dimensions ; she ichtild ha- more buoyant and less able to contend with strong Easterly winds. ''The Orlando, new steam frigate, and Himalaya, are both to proceed in search ; indeed, the Himalaya is gone. Her captain was asked in how many hours he could be ready ? "In twenty-four," was the reply ; but in eighteen he was ready, raised his steam, and was gone.

Baron Liebig now approves of the plans for the utilization of sewage manure, as proposed by Mr., Shepherd at Croydon ; this is in rectification of a statement in the Baron's Work, The Chemistey of Agricaltuir, which al- most denied the possibility of the utilization in England.

Some weeks ago; the Times drew attention to a cleft which had made its appearance in one of the interior walls of the newly-constructed powder- magazine at Woolwich. ." Authority" .contradicted the statement ; the gap was cleverly plastered over, when: suddenly the_piers supporting . the groins gave way, and the ponderous iron rafters, thickly inlaid with concrete and shingle, and covered with asphalte, composing the flat roof together with the supporting brick-wall underneath, now form a mass of ruins." Other portions may in all probability be insecure; the building only cost 75001. of the public money, and was constructed by a contract of the *yid Engineer department of the Royal Arsenal.