17 NOVEMBER 1888, Page 20


Adams {W. H. D.), By-Ways in Book-Land, 12mo (R. Stock) 4/8 Adams W. H. D.), The White Xing, 2 vole. 8vo (Redway) 21/0 Archer W.), Masks or Faces ? cr 8vo (Lorgmaus) 6/6 Beanderk (W. N.), Rural Italy, 8vo (Bentley) 9/0 Besant (W.). and Palmer (E. H.), Jerusalem, the City of Herod (Bentley) 7/8 Blavalsky (H. P.), The Secret Doctrine, Vol. I., Cosmogenteis, 4to (Keightley) 21/0 Bradshaw (J ) New Zealand of To-Day, Svo (8 Low 14/0 Case (T.), Physical Realism, 8vo (Longmans 15/0 Clonston (W. A.), Choice Anecdotes and Good Sayings, cr 8vo (Ward & Look) 2/0 Continental Travels Pictorically Described, 4to (Tonlson 2/0 Corelli (M.), Thelma, or Svo (Bentley) 6/0 Daudet (A.), One of the Forty. cr 8vo (Sonnenschein) 6/0 Davison (T. R.). Pea-and-Ink Notes at Glasgow Exhibition, 4to (Virtue) 21/0 Dawe (W. H.), Wife's Help to Indian Cookery, or 8v0 (E. Stock 7/6 Dilke (Lady). Art in the Modern State, See (Chapman & Hall) 9/0

Ernest IL, Duke of Ease-Coburg-Gotha, Vols. I and n., Eleo ...(Remington) 30/0

Frederick, Crown Prince and Emperor, or Svo (Stott 6/0 Gillmore (H.), The Black Diamond, or 8v0 (Toulson) 2/0 Gluing (G.), A Life's Morning, 3 vols. or 8vo (Smith & Elder) 31/6 Happy Thonehts Birthday-Book, 16mo (Bradbury) 3/6 Hatton (A. F.), Tunes for Tots, oblong Hatoliards) 2/6 Hepworth (1'. C.), The Book of the Lantern, cr 8vo (Wyman) 3/6 Holiday Rambles in England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, 4to (Toulson) 2/0 Holy Scriptures in Ireland One Thousand Years Ago. 8vo (Hodges) 6/0 Homer's Iliad, xiii. to xxiv., Notes, &c., by D. B. Monro, 12ino (Frowde) 6/0 Howorth (H. H.), History of the Mongols, Part III., 8v0 (Longman') 28/0 Hughes (E.), Some Aspects of Humanity, 12mo (E. Stock) 4/6 In the' Land of Marvels, Folk-Tales, &c., or 8vo (Sonnenschein) 5,17 Jones (F. A.), The Distress Law Amendment Aot, 8vo...(Hamilton & Adams) 2/6 Keats (J.), Endymion, illustrated by W. S. J. Harper, 4to (8. Low) 42/0 Lady Ramsay 's Hunting Diary, Cr 8vo (Webster) 5/0 Lange (H.), Guide to French, Part I., 12mo (J. Heywood) 1/6 Law (E.), History of Hampton Court, Vol. IL, or Svo (Bell) 3/6 Layng (A. E.), Euclid's Elements, Books i. to iv., or Svo (Blackie) 2/6 Linton (E. L.), Through the Long Night, 3 vole. or Svo ...(Hurst & Blaokett) 31/6 Miller (R. C.), Historical Tableaux, 4to Matthews (B.), Pen-and-Ink Papers, &c., or 8vo...

Lucas (0. P.), Historical Geography of British Colonies, Vol. I. ...(Frowde 5/0 (Hatchsrds 3/6 (Longmana 5/0 (Grovel) 716

Look at Me : Toy-Book, folio.

Montelins (0.). Civilisation of Sweden in Heathen Times, 8vo ...(Macmillan) 14/0 Newman (F. W.), Mathematical Tracts. 8v0 (Macmillan) 5/0 Orlebar (F. St. J.), Adventures of the Moon-Faced Princess, 410 ...(Bentley) 3/6 Parker (F. H). Election of County Councils, 8vo (Knight) 20/0 Pike (G. H.), Boys and Girls who have Risen, cr Svo (Passmore) 1/6 Pyle (H.), 0:to of the Silver Hand, cr Svo (8. Low) 8/6 Moe (11. B.), A Ring and Not a King, or 8vo (Sonnenschein) 5/0 Smith (J. F.), Stanfield Ha, 12mo (Toulsol 2/0 Scott (A.), Family of River Farm, or 8vo ll (Toulson 2/0 (Bradley) 2/0 Scenes and Sights in Town and Country, 4to Smith (J. F.), The Will and the Way, 12mo (Bradley) 2/0 Stowe (H. B.), Flowers and Fruit from Writings of, 12mo (S Low) 3/6 Struggles from Darkness to Light, by" Anglo-Sootina," or Svo (Toulson) 2/0 Tamlyn (H.), The Albino, or 8vo (Roper & Drowley) 6/0 Tbeal (G. fd.), History of South Abica, Svo Sonnenschein) 15/0 Theological Influence of the Blessed Virgin on the Apostolic School (Norgate) 6/0 Thom's Interest Tables, edited by C. Cummin, roy Svo (Thom) 21/0 Thornhill (M.). Indian Fairy-Tales, 12mo (Hatchards) 3/6 Tristram (W. 0.1, Coaching Days and Coaching Ways, imp 8vo (Macmillan) 21,0 Turner (C. E.), Count Tolstoi as a Novelist, or Svo (Trilloner) 3/6 Werner (E.), Fickle Fortune, or Svo (Bentley) 6/0 Whitman (S.), Imperial Germany, or 8vo (Trflbner) 7/6 Witherow (T.), Form of the Christian Temple, 8vo (T. & T. Clark) 10/6 Wood (C. W.), Letters from Majorca, 8v0 (Bentley) 14/0 Wood (3. G.), The Zoo, 4to (S.P.O.K.) 2/6 Wray (J. J.), Will it Lift ? cr 8vo (Nisbet) 3/6