17 NOVEMBER 1917, Page 10


L'Ernpire Britanniane et la Guerre. Par Paul Hamelle. (Perils : Blond et. Gay.)—Of the essays collected in this little book, to which Lord Bryce contributes a preface, we like beet the brilliant sketch of " Britain's Seven Wars " in Europe, Africa, Asia, and at sea, and the very instructive account of the attitude of the Dominions and Choir demand for an Imperial Conference to which the Government, after much needless hesitation, at length acceded. M. Hamelle makes a slip in stating that no South African contingent has been sent to Europe, but he is as hearty and well informed an admirer of the British Empire that oven the South Africans who fought so superbly at Dolville Wood will not bear him a grudge. His hopeful and tentative paper on behind, written a year ago, would have to be modified now, but his concluding question is more pertinent than ever. Instead of a Constitutional change, he asks, " would it not be better to try a change of administration, aiming only at the suppression of anarchy and the restoration of some sort of order in the old edifice ? "