17 NOVEMBER 1917, Page 15

The Painleve Ministry was defeated in the French Chamber on

Fuesday and resigned. M. Painleve had reconstructed his Ministry after the critical debate of October 19th, excluding M. Ribot and putting M. Barthou in his place at the Foreign Office. But M. Barthou was coolly received by the Chamber on October 25th, and it was clear that the Socialist Party were resolved to oust the Ministry. On Tuesday they acted. M. Painleve asked that certain interpellations in regard to a Deputy's private affairs should be postponed till after the Allied Conference. He made it a question of confidence. The Chamber in reply decided against him by 279 votes to 186. On the eve of the Conference France has to find a new Premier, but her domestic differences, we are sure, will not weaken her war policy in the least