17 NOVEMBER 1928, Page 30

- . Mr. R. L. Megroz makes his contribution to

Rossetti litera-

ture with Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Painter Poet of Heaven in Earth (Faber and Gwyer, 15s.). The first part is " mainly biographical ; and, quoting most of the authorities and memoranda, gives a fairly detailed account of the poet's life. The most attractive chapter is a careful description of Eleanor Elizabeth Siddal during the earlier- -years of her association with the Pre-Raphaelites. 'Mr. Megroz quotes some of her verse to prove that she was naturally Of a morbidly melancholy temper. Unfinished as they maybe, these verses also betray a richness of feeling with which She should be more frequently credited. chapter is also devoted to Christina Rossetti, who was much more like herbrother than is :usually admitted. In the- second section, "mainly critical," we discover the facts concerning the P.R.B. clearly arranged, with an elaborate examination of the early Italian poets, and Dante's idea of heavenly love. The poems are examined under headings like " The Fleshly Poet," " Natural Imagery," " Romantic Archaism," " Dreamworld," and " Ballads and Poems." They are eloquently described ; and those who are still unfamiliar with this imaginative and difficult poet may be grateful for such illumination. The book is adorned With some good photographs.