17 NOVEMBER 1944, Page 21

tt THE SPECTATOR " CROSSWORD No. 297 1.4 Book Token

for one guinea will be awarded to the sender of the first correct i:,non of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, S et ember 2Sth. Envelopes should be received not later than first post that day and must bear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the ouzel,: and a zid, stamp. Sci:i:ions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.SA. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue.) 20. An arrangement of genuine affecta-

24. He's no camel. (Anag.) (i0.) 26. One of Scott's " Tales of a Grand-

22. A point for discussion. (4.) 10. The President of the Regimental In- 12. One has plenty of drive with this

14. Net skirt made more decorative. (8.) IS. It's a gift. (6.) 11. There's nothing in this policy. (8.) 13. A successful sort of fellow. (4.) 16. She was sent a poem from prison. 6. Blow the card! (5.)

3. Not hospitable, though he takes one arrangement of aces. (4, 2, 4.)

(6.) tion. (8.) in. (9.) stitutes goes to the horse doctor. (6.)


father "? (8.) /7. A plant for baby. (6.) 28. Much earlier than X-rays one might think. (5.)

29. A " faire damoselle " from Chaucer, (9.)


2. A recent outstanding example of pre- fabrication. (7.) 3. "Cover your heads and mock not flesh and blood with solemn -." (Shakespeare.) (9.)

4. Don't stop the play for a peer. (5.)

5. Toughens. (7.) 7. Lynn. (5.)

20. An old-fashioned scat slightly altered

21. Ring. (7.)

25. Greet with a change. (5.) 23. Bad tempered enough for big cricket? 19. The anonymous sportsman. (7.) x5. just like bait. (8.)

17. The little flower causes pain and 9. " It is the light of Terewth," he 8. Young woman, I've a message. (7.) almost makes one ill. (9.) in U.S.A. (7.) • (5.) said. (8.)