17 NOVEMBER 1950, Page 17

Justice for Teachers ?

SIR,—Teachers will welcome F.C.I.I.'s letter under this heading. They will, I am sure, endorse the claim of those engaged in insurance to a similar salary scale ; but they will, of course, expect the other conditions to be similar, too. They will want to be allowed to start earning at the age of sixteen, and to acquire their qualifications in their spare time. This suggestion might also be passed on to the medical and dental pro- fessions, whose members are privileged to spend even longer than teachers in the pleasurable environment of a university. Teachers, doctors and dentists will not need to be paid so- lavishly if they have never acquired those expensive tastes which, as everybody knows, it is the main purpose of the universities to foster.—Yours, &c., The Wall House, Curbridge Road, Witney, Oxon. B. B. Csusas.