17 NOVEMBER 1961, Page 26

It's the Home Service Insurance Man, the friend of the

family. Through him, ten million families are investing in their own and Britain's future, by their regular payments on industrial life assurance policies.

cp.n Issued by The Industrial Life Offices Association Local authorities, in effect, have been forced to finance their long-term investment with short- term foreign money. This is against all the rules of prudent finance. Europeans must have been I F there is one really decisive moment for Britain's move into the Common Market, it may well turn out to have occurred shortly after half-past four on Wednesday, November 8, 1961. It was the moment when Mr. Heath finished giving the Six—sometimes with no more than a straightforward 'Yee—the last assurances they had sought about Britain's basic intentions in joining EEC and her full acceptance of the Rome Treaty; the meeting went on to discuss the particular problems and the order in which they should be tackled. Until that moment nothing was certain. As M. Spaak put it after- wards, if the answers to certain questions had not been satisfactory, the negotiations might never have begun: though, on the other hand, if Mr. Heath had answered others—the tech- nical ones—there and then, no negotiations Would have been needed. As it is, the work of the coming months, at expert and ministerial level, will take place on the crucially important basic assumption that the negotiations can and will succeed.

Getting Down to Work