17 OCTOBER 1835, Page 9

The Madrid correspondent of the Morning Chronicle states, that the

Junta of Cadiz, the only one of importance which stood out against the new Ministry of MENDIZABAL, was on the point [of sending in its adhesion, and indeed was preparing to aid the Juntas of Badajoz and Seville in raising troops for the suppression of the Biscayan revolt. A few days, it was expected, would bring interigence of the entire dissolution of these irregular assemblies. It appears also, that the force in Andalusia under the nominal com- mand of Count DE LAS NAVAS, have returned to their allegiance. .111Ennizanat. wrote to the officer, who is regularly commissioned by Government, demanding a return of the number of his troops, and desiring him to enforce strict discipline, but taking no notice of DE Les NAVAS. The officer immediately returned a most loyal answer, vouching for the discipline of his men, and their readiness to march at the orders of Government. Thus the hero of the Juntas was virtually deposed.