17 OCTOBER 1840, Page 2

A meeting of Spitalfields weavers was liehl on Moiirlay ni

edit, to take into considerathei :he report of a Committee appointed oil the 21st of' July with a view to the production of a piece of work inine-hip worthy to be pre--en:led to the Queen. Tlie Committee was else to report its opinienti the subject of establishing in perinanetit sehoo! of desien in the otiebbourbool. of' Spitallields. The report stated, that the nbject which the Committee bad in view was tin obtain the patronage of her :VOlostS', the no1,11ity, and the British public in favotts if brit isln-nnunna- hi. train inn winicln wi- tnt prcsent DEW!! 11(1)11•.,S1.11. They th,,r-ter.. attempted an experiment i» silk inanelatt use, the design of which l V;,111,1 Inc entirely- ilew, The (Ina.,611.... pn.pilr■-■1 Ow the in- tended speeinien were exhibited to the nose iee, and earited much ad- miration -; the dimensions of the piece of mil, on which they are to be

worked being six feet by four. It was also stated in the report, that the Committee had devised means for establishing a school of design ; and that a new kind of Jacquard loom had been invented by a French- man, who had long resided in Spitalfields, which for conciseness and just mechanical principle excelled every thing hitherto invented of that description of machinery.