17 OCTOBER 1863, Page 22


The Victoria Magazine. Vol. L, May to October. (Emily FaithfalL)— The Victoria has now arrived at the first great critical epoch in the life of a magazine—its republication in the form of a half-yearly volume. A very handsome volume it is, too, conspicuous as well for good taste in binding as for the excellence of paper, typography, and general" getting- up." The magazine has received a large share of public attention since its commencement—six months ago, and the contents of the volume before us must be now pretty well known. Successful, however, as its career has hitherto been, it has scarcely attained so high a standard of excellence, or marked out for itself so decided a path, as we hope will yet be the case. Tales like " Lindisfarn Chase" are a too hackneyed and invariable feature of magazines, and we are inclined to think that the Victoria would have more wisely occupied its pages with a few more short and racily told tales like the " Story of a Voice." There is ample scope, too, for more powerfully written and effective social science papers, such as that on " Neeffieworkers v. Society." On the whole, however, the magazine shows signs of the greatest promise.