17 OCTOBER 1868, Page 2

A great meeting MIS held in the Guildhall on Tuesday

in aid of the sufferers ruined by the earthquake in Peru and Ecuador. It was attended by all the great City notables, including the members, and was most successful, though the speakers were evidently aware of the inability of language to do justice to the catastrophe. With the exception of Mr. Alfred de Rothschild, who read an eloquent extract from a letter describing the scene, they preferred

to enlarge on the opportunity of charity. The misfortune of one nation, said Sir J. Lubbock, was the opportunity of another in a ambler sense than statesmen meant. If anything, said Mr. Goschen, could counteract despair under such a catastrophe, it would be a message of sympathy and help from the other side of the globe. The nations of the earth, said Mr. Gibbs, should in presence of such calamities show that they were of one blood ; and it especially behoves London, said Mr. 'I'. Baring, as the -centre of the commerce of the world. The very best feeling per- vaded the meeting, 6,500/. were subscribed in the room, and we trust the feeling of powerlessness with which men cannot help 'regarding calamities so vast will not prevent the Collection of at least 100,000/.