17 OCTOBER 1908, Page 2

Mr. Balfour, who denounced the Government policy with great animation,

nevertheless admitted that the property they were dealing with was less than full freehold. Thus the real difference between the Government and the Opposition is a question of degree. Both sides, in effect, admit that compenea- Lion in some form is due,—the problem is how much, and of what kind. In the end the debate stood adjourned. We do not suppose the Government will be very much annoyed it the Bill is lost. Considering the harassing nature of the financial problems with which they will be faced next March, they might find a good deal of satisfaction in dealing with the licensing question by means of an increase in the payments now made for licenses. That would bring a million or two into the Treasury with very little difficulty, especially if it applied not merely to public-house licenses, but included, as it certainly should, club and grocers' licenses.