17 OCTOBER 1908, Page 27


[Under this heading we notice stieh Books of the week as hays not bun ,veserved for review in other forms.] The Ideal Ministry. By Herrick Johnson, D.D. (Fleming H. Revell Company. 6s. net.)—Dr. H. Johnson was Professor of Homi- letics and Pastoral Theology at Auburn Theological Seminary, 1874-80, and at McCormick Seminary, 1880-1906. He speaks, -therefore, from a long experience, and much that he says will be -found of value. And all through there is manifest a most earnest -spirit, and a desire to give his readers or hearers of his very best. We may specially mention what seems to us a very sensible summary of the respective advantages of the extempore and the written discourse, and of the memoriter method. Probably the -best plan is a combination of the three. A preacher should be ready to give a prepared discourse word for word if need be ; but he should be ready to vary it as occasion arises. It is a great .advantage to be able to look at the congregation. Their attention inspires ; their inattention warns. We should like to have had a much fuller bibliography. It is not necessary to give the huge list of books with which Dr. Jacobson (of Oxford) used to fill his lectures in the early "fifties," but the main constituents of a preacher's library would be useful.