17 OCTOBER 1931, Page 16


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

Sin,—We should all be very sorry if the Round Table Con- ference broke down over the communal difficulty. Per- sonally, I have always thought that it might be possible to have independent " Chambers of Revision " set up when necessary in each Province, to which legislation, and other matters where dispute had arisen involving religious con- siderations, could be referred. The mere possibility of such machinery would often prevent the necessity for it arising.

It is open to question—I see that the thought has occurred to others—whether it would not be well to transfer the dis- cussions as to India's future constitution to India at this stage. In other words, a constituent assembly might be called there representative of all the various interests involved, and to it should be sent a few men of experience and character from this country who should hold a watching brief on behalf of the Empire. The result must, of course, come before Parliament, but I feel sure that it would be more satisfactory than anything arrived at here.

It would in any case represent the wishes and opinions of the Indians more fully than what is devised in this country. Should a compromise or a series of compromises be reached here the task of those who have the matter in hand would be but begun. They would have to convert those in India—who are, I expect, rapidly forgetting all about them—to the scheme they took back. Out there the constitution would have been step by step discussed by every educated Indian as the process of manufacture was carried on.—I am, Sir, &c., Selwyn Croft, Cambridge. W. A. J. ARCHBOLD.