17 OCTOBER 1931, Page 18


We know of an old tithe barn in North Hampshire. It was the tithe barn of Crondall Parish, before that parish was sub- divided. It stands in the grounds of " Peatmoor," Fleet, Hants, and has been used as a stable and coach-house.— A. HARVEY JONES, 22 Manor Road, Bexhill-on-Sea. There is a large tithe barn at Lancing, Sussex. When I first knew it in 1921, it was apparently in its original condition save that its thatch had been replaced by corrugated iron. A year or two later it was converted into a house—" The Old Tithe Barn "—and as such it exists to-day.—A. M. HUBBARD (Mrs.), Lavenders, Dry Hill Park, Tonbridge.