17 OCTOBER 1931, Page 34


Although the trade depression which Japan and other countries is suffering has occasioned a reduction in the profits for the past half-year, the directors of the Yokohama Specie (Continued on page 512.)

Financial Notes

(Continued from page 510.) Bank are able, as the result of a conservative policy long pursued, to maintain the dividend at the rate of 10 per cent., while the balance-sheet to June 30th is again a satisfactory one. The reserve fund has been raised to 115,000,000 yen, while, allowing for the trade depression, the decline in deposits from 585,000,000 yen to 528,000,000 yen is very moderate. The cash position, too, is more than maintained, notwithstanding the decline in deposits, the total being 87,628,000 yen as against 82,654,000 yen a year ago.

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