17 OCTOBER 1947, Page 16


SIR,—Save Europe Now is opening its third winter campaign for the relief of Europe. The needs are greater than ever ; millions in Europe will be worse fed this winter even,than during the war, Sir John Boyd Orr has told us from Geneva. Relief supplies, if they are to arrive in

time, must be purchased soon, and I write therefore to ask your readers for further help for our European Relief Fund.

Of the four beneficiaries of this fund, the Friends Relief Service could spend £20,000 on food immediately, for it is still possible to buy food unsuitable for distribution in the rationing scheme, in the sterling areas of the world. We hope to be able to give the Friends £50,000 over this winter for the purchase of food, clothing and medicines for their work in Austria, France, Germany and Poland. My own organisation, the Ecumenical Refugee Commission, needs £6,700 until Christmas to main- tain the flow of the medicines we send to Germany and Austria. Save Europe Now Supplies Fund needs money to meet the costs of collecting, handling and shipping the food parcels which we send to nine European countries—Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Rumania and Yugoslavia. Finally, we hope to be able to allow German Educational Reconstruction enough money to carry on the great work they are doing in fostering the rebirth of democratic education in Germany.

These are the needs ; readers' gifts may be earmarked for any one of these societies or funds, all of which are registered as War Charities. I ask readers to remember that brotherhood and love know no frontiers, and our present difficulties and discomforts help us, I hope, to understand the greater ills of others. Cheques and postal orders made out to "Save Europe Now European Relief Fund" should be sent to the Secretary, Save Europe Now, 15 James Street, London, W.C.2. Gifts of second- hand clothing and shoes, and of rationed food and chocolate, should be sent to: Save Europe Now, c/o Davies, Turner & Co., Bourne Street,

Pimlico Road, London, S.W.1.—Yours, &c., HEURY CARTER.

(Hon. Treasurer, Save Europe Now.) 15 lames Street, Cavern Garden, W.C.2.