17 OCTOBER 1958, Page 22


think I must have travelled south from Scot' land on the same train as Strix, because I, too, looked out of the window and saw with dismay that we were passing through Lincoln Station at a time when imagined we were speeding through Hertfordshire on the main York-London line. But at least he appears to have travelled in the comparative cony fort of a first-class carriage. When I joined the train at Edinburgh, I had to fight for a seat in a second' class Pullman coach which was old, dirty and over: crowded. Several people had to sit on the tables, apt' the racks were quite inadequate for all the luggage Judging by the number of posters inviting us to travel mid-week, I assume that there are not s° many people on the railways then as at weekends' If this is the. case, surely fewer people would be inconvenienced if repairs were done during the wee` rather than on Sundays?—Yours faithfully, 29 Oakley Gardens, SW3 MARGARET STEVENSON