17 OCTOBER 1981, Page 18

Islamic social justice

Sir: James Cameron in his review of Among the Believers (3 October) writes: 'Nevertheless the reflection returns constantly to Naipaul, as it does to everyone who travels through this strange dream: What does Islam do about poverty? Why, answers the good and believing Muslim: it teaches you to endure it'.

No, it doesn't. The teaching of Islam 0° this topic is crystal clear. Social justice, complementing economic justice, is the very foundation of the true Muslim society; Islam guarantees certain standards to all members of a Muslim state, including `Dhimmis' — non-Muslim citizens, for Islam teaches equality between all men. The Holy Quran proclaims: 'The noblest among YOU in the sight of God are the most Godfearing' (XLVI:13).

The French author Peltier is not alone in his admiration of social justice in Islam. There is, of course, little to testify to it in the countries covered by Naipaul in Among the Believers. Even so, as a model, the Islamic concept of social justice still remains to be achieved even in the most developed non-Muslim states.

Abdullah Yassamee 49 Queens Road, London SW19