17 SEPTEMBER 1831, Page 12

CHURCH PROMOTIONS.—We are glad to see that in the last

Church promotions Ministers have had the courage and honesty to promote men who have maintained, iu the worst of times, the principles to which they themselves owe their elevation. Dr. Carr, Bishop of Chichester, is to be translated to Worcester. Dr. Maltby, who, if learning and virtue constitute a title to preferment, ought long ago to have enjoyed it, is to become Bishop of Chichester ; and the Residen- tiaryship of St. Paul's,' vacated by the removal of Dr. Carr to Wor- cester, is bestowed on the Reverend Sidney Smith, one of the best writers England has ever produced, and one who has laboured in- cessantly to promote the cause of truth and benevolence. A few such nominations would go far to liberalize the Church. It is by elevating good men that good is to be done, and not by abandoning patronage to the enemies of good. We wish we could say as much of the manner in which the Lord Chancellor has exercised his ecclesiastical patronage as we can say of the above promotion. But the Lord Chan- cellor, with all his good qualities, has some weaknesses, and one of them is a disposition to promote good ends by Machiavelian means.—Morning Chronicle.

THE DUKE OF SUSSEX'S Mannuoz.—Colonel D'Este has filed a bill in Chancery to perpetuate the testimony of his father's marriage, and has also taken counsel's opinion upon its legality, which is in his favour. MORALITY IN FASHION AT COURT.—At the Drawing-room on Monday, an occurrence took place, with reference to the reception of a lady of title, which has given rise to much conversation in the higher circles. A Peeress (not recently married), whose conduct in private life has not always been of the strictest moral character, despite of the remonstrances of her friends, would be present on this occasion. Her Majesty, we understand, treated her in such a manner as to evince in the circle of the Court that determination to discountenance doubtful characters, et-en in the highest rank, which was so deservedly lauded in the de- meanour of Queen Charlotte.—Globe. THE YOUNG DUKE.—On Monday, the town of Dalkeith exhibited a scene of great joyousness. Tidings having arrived that the young Duchess of Buccleuch had presented her noble husband with a son and heir, the bells were set a-ringing, and a splendid flag was hoisted on the high steeple. A universal and spontaneous expression of deep-felt congra- tulation burst forth from all ranks. Bread and cheese and porter, at whose expense we do not know, were distributed amongst the poor, and the more respectable inhabitants assembled in the evening to drink the healths of the family of Buccleuch, and to welcome the arrival of its new member. —New North Briton.

SVDDI:N DEATLI.■It is with deep regret we have to announce the sud- den death of the Honourable Mrs. Percy, wife of the Bishop of Carlisle. Mrs. Percy (who was the daughter of his Grace the late Archbishop of Canterbury, and sister of the Right Honourable the Speaker of the House of Commons) had retired to rest apparently in good health, and was found dead in bed on the following morning. The importance of the Speaker's functions connected with the House of Commons rendered it necessary that he should overcome his private feelings of sorrow, and attend the ceremony of the Coronation ; but it was impossible not to sympathize with the Right Honourable Gentleman, placed, as be was, to witness the scene in a state of mind so little in accordance with the pa- geantry and joy by which he was surrounded.—Daily Papers. DUEL —A meeting took place at day-dawn on Wednesday last, on Wimbledon Common, between Lieutenant Claxton, R.N., and Mr. Protheroe, M.P. for Bristol, attended by Captain Berkeley, M.P., and Sir Francis Vincent, Bart., M.P., which ended without bloodshed. The quarrel is supposed to have originated in some matter connected with the Colonial question. THE ENTHRONES:0 Cmentss—The Chairs in which the King and Queen were enthroned, have been removed to Devonshire House, as they be- come the property of the Duke of Devonshire in virtue of his office of Lord Chamberlain. It is said that considerable opposition was made to his Grace's claim by the Dean and Chapter. The grandfather of the present Duke was Lord Chamberlain at the Coronation of George the Third, and the chairs then used are deposited at Chatsworth. In 1701, as at present, they were reluctantly given up, and not without some- thing like the show of force. ACADEMICAL APPOINTMENT:JOhn Walker jun., A.B., of Trinity College, Dublin, to the Head Mastership of the London University School, vacated by the Reverend Henry Browne.

OwsnmsEs.—The proprietors of these vehicles have determined, on the suggestion of Mr. Shillibeer, the originator (or reviver), to discon- tinue thirty.three of the ninety employed on the Paddington road. They have also agreed to adopt regulations which will render the conveyance not only easy and expeditious, but safe and respectable. All the cads and other vagabonds who pestered passengers are discharged, and the whole of the fifty-seven remaining coaches are subject to one uniform sys- tem of management, and superintended by overseers chosen in common by all the proprietors. We have been amused by a Cockney penny-a-line scribe, who, in speaking of these coaches, christened them Omnibii. Such enormities ought to be visited by the Plurality Bill ; we hope Dr. Blom- field will add a rider for that purpose.

TRADE OF THE Etna.—The Lords of the Treasury have ordered that ses.sels from the Elbe, with non-enumerated goods, shall not be subject to quarantine or quarantine fees. THE Pouss.—The inhabitants of Renfrewshire, beaded by Sir John Maxwell, Mr. Spiers, and Mr. Wallace, have taken the lead in Scotland in holding a public meeting to address Government to take such steps as Tax MILITIA Svsraxt.—On Tuesday, Mr. Lovett, of 19, Greville will avert the utter extermination of the Poles. It was carried by a -Street, Hatton Garden, appeared before the Deputy-Lieutenant of the

great majority of the meeting, that a subscription should be entered into, and that his Majesty and Parliament should be addressed to intercede in their behalf. It was also agreed to petition Parliament on the necessity of passing the Reform Bill without delay.—Glasgow Chronicle.

CHEAP PHYSIC.—A boy in Perth, who had been sent to an apothe- cary's shop one night last week to purchase some medicine for the family, and who had received a halpenny back of the sum sent as the price of it, astonished the inmates on his return, by calling out while in the lobby, " Faither ! Either! the Reform Bill's passed !" Several individuals eagerly ran out to gather the news and ascertain its source. The boy, on being impatiently interrogated how lie knew, innocently replied, " There's a bawbee off the castor-oil"—Peril Courier.

SILVER 11Insas.—There is now raising from a mine in the parish of Budock, on the lands of Francis Pender, Esq., a peculiar mineral, which has been assayed at the Commercial Assay Office, Redruth ; the report is upwards of one hundred ounces of silver to the ton of mineral, and twenty-six per cent. of tine copper. Tolguc Mine still continues to give upwards of 3,0001. per month profit. Tresavean is also very rich.— Western Hying Post.

Rana Avis.—On Saturday last, a gentleman on his way to Foebabers, saw near the Fochabers wood, a considerable number of crows with a bird among them, which, from its brown colour, lie concluded to be a hawk. On a closer inspection, it turned out to be a crow. This is the first instance we have heard of a crow of this complexion. The same bird has been observed for some time past associating with other crows at the same place.—Elgin Courier.

THE NEW ISLAND.—The Alligator, which arrived at Portsmouth on the 9th, passed the volcano on the 12th tilt. ; at which time it was in a state of great activity, throwing up an immense quantity of hot cinders, steam, &c. It appeared to be increasing;—it has been named Graham's island.