17 SEPTEMBER 1836, Page 1

The Duke DE MONTEBELLO iS ill a very awkward predicament

in Switzerland ; partly owing to his own imprudence, but chiefly to the dishonest policy of the Government which he represents. Some weeks ago he procured the arrest of CONSEIL, a French- man, on the ground that he was implicated in the affair of FIESCHI, and was plotting against the French Government. There is no doubt that he was endeavouring to get up a conspiracy against Louis PHILIP; but upon the seizure of his papers, it transpired, that hu was employed in this work by the French Government, and that he had a passport in the handwriting of M. BELLEVAL, Secretary to the Embassy. The facts left no doubt that Louis PHILIP was himself fomenting the plots, whose exist- ence he used as a pretence for menacing the Swiss Diet. It also appeared that MONTEBELLO was merely the man of show, and that his secretary was intrusted to execute the designs of the French King. A committee was appointed by the Diet to ex- amine into the affair ; and its report was undergoing discussion in the Diet on the 9th instant, when the last accounts were de : spatched. The Deputies from the more Democratic Cantons openly avowed their exultation at the accident which had laid bare the tortuous and treacherous policy of Louts PHILIP.