17 SEPTEMBER 1836, Page 9



The recent proceedings of the Governors of the Bank are now beginning to tell upon the Money Market ; and a depreciation has this week occurred in the price of all the English Funds. Consuls for Money were at one period 1 per cent. below our last quotations. The depression in the New Three-and-a.11alf per Cents. has however been much greater. The sales of Stock which have occurred have not been confined entirely to New Three-and- a Half per Cents. ; but several large amounts of Consols have this week been brought to market. The continuatam has consequently increased, and money has been in demand on the Stock Exchange, at from 4 to 5 per cent. The rate of discount has continued at 5 per cent. ; and in some cases the partial repeal of the Ir,nry. laws, effected by the clause in the Bank Charter, which allows an unlimited rate of interest to be charged upon bills of exchange of shorter dates than three months, has come into operation, and as much as 51 and 6 per cent. has been given for the discount of such bills.

The Bank Proprietors met ou Thursday, and a dividend of 4 per cent. on the half- year was declared.

lintrusliately after the meeting separated, the following notice was issued. " Bank of England, 15th September. " The Governor and Company of the Bank of England hereby give notice, that they will ondie advonc,ss on the seem ky of the certiOcates given by the paymasters of the Excherpwr Bills. for such bills now advertised, as have been delivered into the Exche- quer 11111 mnee, for the purpose of being exchanged for new bills; such advances to be repaid on or before the XOth of October next, with interest at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum," The premium of Exchequer Bills has advanced about 2s. to-day, the quota- tion being 2s. to 4s. ; and generally, there does not appear to be so great a pressure for money as there was. The Foreign Stocks have all been affected by the same causes that have 'depressed the English Funds. Dutch Stock at one period was 21 per cent. below our last quotations. Brazilian, which has generally withstood the shocks by which the other foreign Bonds are always more or less ati,cted, has also given stay about 2 per cent. Russian and Belgian have maintained their prices. The Pottuguese Stocks of all descriptions have, however, been the most sensibly affected. Of these Securities, the depression has been most remark. able in the Regency Five per Cents., which were yesterday quoted nearly 4 per cent. below the prices of Saturday. The Three per Cents. have nut been affected in so great a degree; while in the Scrip. of the new Loan, although nominally at as peat depreciation, very few bargains have occurred. To-day, however, with the improvement in Consuls, an advance of from to l per cent. has occurred in most of the Foreign Funds. Spanish Stuck has remained tolerably steady, the fluctuation not having exceeded 3 per cent.

The South American Stocks have also been but slightly affected.

Some considerable transactions have occurred in the low-priced Railway Shares; but the prices have not varied materially. • SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOC E. The Consols are a shade lower this morning ; but Exchequer Bills are higher, the premium being Os. to 5s. ; that on the Advertised Bills is 2s. The intelli- gence of the proclamation of the Constitution of 1820 at Lisbon (an event which well-informed persons have long expected), has produced a heavy fall in the Bonds of that Government ; the Five per cents., which closed yesterday at 65, opened at 61, and speedily declined to 581 ; the price has since improved, and is now 601 61. The Three per Cents. have not fallen in like proportion; the lowest quotation, 381, being only 21 per cent. below the closing price of yesterday. . Spanish stock is 1 per cent. lower, in consequence of a similar depression hay- mg occurred in Paris on Thursday. The other European Stocks are all at lower prices than yesterday. The Railway Shares are steady at yesterday's quotations, with little doing.


The Consol Market has given way during the afternoon, and closes a per cent. under the opening price. The New Three-and-a-Half per Cents. are also lower, closing, at 98. Spanish and Portuguese Stocks have also experienced a 3 per Cent. Consols

Ditto for Account 3 per Cent. Reduced New 34 per Ccut Anus India Stuck Bank Stock Exchequer Bills

Belgian 5 S Cents

Brazilian per C. ohs a

891 4 904 4 shut 984 4 3 5 pm.


84 85

Danish 3 per Cents.

Dutch 24 per Cents Mexican 6 per Cents Portuguese Regency 5 p. Cts Ditto 3 per Cent. Ditto 5 per Cents 1836 Scrip

Prussian (1818)5 per Cent Russian (B22)5 per Ceitt Sp in:sh (1135) 5 per Cent

76 77 521 53

60 6t 384 39 18 I6dis. — 1081 9 284 -further di eine ; the former being 2711; while of the latter, the Five per Cents. are 571, the Three per Cents. :361 371, and the Scrip of the New Loan 22 to 20 dis. Dutch Stock is lower ; and so are the European Stocks generally. The South American Securities have been little affected. No operations of im- portance have occurred in the Railway Shares. The premium upon Exchequer Bills has been well maintained, and the closing price is 3s. as., while the Ad- vertised Bills are 2s. 4s.