17 SEPTEMBER 1859, Page 12



The disastrous news from China, published on Monday morning, had a much less effect upon the stock Exchange than might have been expected. The public Funds were first quoted at a decline of only 1 per cent ; during the day, however, a further decline took place upon pressure of sales, chiefly speculations. The Indian New Loan experienced a much greater fail. On Tuesday renewed dulness was observable, and Consols were forced down to 95; confidence then again became restored, the fact of France joining Eng- land in the present juncture tending, as a matter of course, to strengthen the alliance between the two countries, which alliance it seems to have been the aim of certain politicians for a considerable period to weaken. Consols have risen to 951 95g. Business has not been very extensive, but the public continues to invest, and the Government Broker has not yet ceased his daily purchase of 10,000/. on behalf of the Savings Banks. The greatest fluctuation has been in the Indian New Loan, the fall from the highest point having reached at one moment as much as 11 per cent ; the Stock has since been in greater demand, and the last quotations are, for the Scrip, 1001 1001; and for the paid-up Stock, 100f. Money has not been in ex- cessive demand, and rates are comparatively easy. Nearly 500,000/. has re- cently been added to the Bank Stock of Bullion. Consols for Money, 951 95f. In the Foreign Stock Market quotations are scarcely altered, and little or no business to speak of has been negotiated. The Markets, however, have a firm tendency nothwithstanding the limited amount of operations. The Russian New Loan has been quiet at 1 dis. par. Sardinian, 851 861; and the Victor Emmanuel, 90 92. Mexican has been somewhat sought after, and closes 211 211 ; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 901 911; Ditto Three per Cents, 71 72 ; Ditto Uribarren, 80 82 ; Buenos Ayres, 75 77 ; Buenos Ayres Three per Cents firm at 191 20; Turkish Six per Cents Old, 83 84; Ditto New, 69 70 ; Grenada Active, 17 18; Ditto Deferred, 6 51; Chilian Six per Cents, 102 104; Ditto Four-and-a-half per Cents, 87 89 ; Ditto Three per Cents, 71 73; Venezuela Three per Cents, 27 271 ; Ditto De- ferred, 141 141; Portuguese, 46 461; Spanish, 46 461. The settlement passed off on Tuesday and Wednesday ; money was very abundant. The English Railway Share Market has occasionally experienced some rather severe fluctuations, owing to the general aspect of affairs and the con- Killion of the Consol Market ; a considerable recovery has occurred since the fall, and some lines, especially those quoted ex div. show an advance upon last week's prices. Great Northern, 101 102; London and Brighton, 110 112; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 35 36; Midland, 1038 1041; London and North-Western, 921 931 ; London and South Western, 92 921 ; Leeds, 94} 961; Chester and Holyhead, 48f 491; Berwick, 88 881 ; North British, 58 6fif ; South Eastern and Dover, 751 751 ; Great Western, 69f 601. Indian shares arc dull in consequence of unsatisfactory news from the East. East Indian, 99 100 ; Great Indian Peninsula, 97 98 ; Madras, 93 95; Bombay and Baroda, 161 17. The French Market remains un- affected by the news of the week, prices being nearly the same as last quoted ; Paris and Strasbourg, 25 26 ; Paris and Lyons, 341 35 ; Lombardo- Venetian, 11 11; Namur and Liege, 8 8i ; Great Luxembourg, 61