17 SEPTEMBER 1927, Page 20


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—In her very interesting article on Byron, in last week's Spectator, Mrs. Taylor writes about "those poor, cloven feet, strangely distorted from his birth."

Many writers have supposed that Byron had a club foot, but this was not the case, as has been proved beyond a doubt I have two of the surgical boots which were made for him ; they show a well formed, neat and narrow foot. The case has attracted a good deal of attention in surgical circles, and a lecture was delivered by Dr. H. C. Cameron, on March 31st, 1923. The report of it will be found in the British Medical Journal of March 31st, 1928.

He attributes Byron's slight lameness to what is now known as Little's disease. I have lent the boots to another surgeon who is giving further careful study to the case ; but there is no question about " cloven " or "strangely distorted