17 SEPTEMBER 1927, Page 21

General Knowledge Questions

THE Editor awards the prize of one guinea offered weekly for the best thirteen general knowledge questions and answers to an Eton boy, who deiires to remain ancnymous, for the 'following :—

1. Why is an Englishman called John Bull ?

2. Who discovered Uranus ?

3. What famous author lived at Rye ?

4. What plant is used to dress broad-cloth ?

5. Who built (a) Great Pyramid, (b) Taj Mahal'

6. What is the smallest British bird ? When did it become rare ?

7. Who called his body "Brother ass"? 8. Where was the Pilgrim's Progress written ?

9. What are the only two conifers indigenous to Britain ? 10. What is the largest lake in the British Isles ? 11. How long has Portugal been a Republic ?

12. What sport is King Alfonso trying to introduce into Spain ? 13. What was the clock at Westminster called before Big Ben was built ? After whom is Big Ben named ?

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Answers will be found on page 489.