17 SEPTEMBER 1927, Page 21

Under. the editorship of Mr. Middleton Murry, a new quarterly,

the New. Adelphi, has made its first appearance. Jie has a . charming.. article on the Parables of Jesus. Mr. Young writes of the Gurdjieff Institute in Paris, which we thought had met with financial disaster. The present writer saw Gurdjieff when he was in New York, trying (but without success) to found an Institute there. The Ouspensky- Gurdjieff system is undoubtedly a Westernized form of Yoga training. But we agree with Mr. Young, who implies that Much of the teaching is drivel and waste of time: Mi. H. M Tonilinson has a remarkable War story, "On the Face of It," but welike best his review of the Journal of Katherine Mans. 'field; What' he says of her• style is true of his own—" Before yciu know what has happened, a few words, apparently at random, have gone through the darkness of the mind. You were not aware of any opacity there, but you are suddenly surprised by a clear understanding of a reality which had not existed till then." Altogether this is an excellent number and one 'which we hope will definitely place the New Adelphi amongst the quarterlies that thinking people must read„

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