17 SEPTEMBER 1983, Page 33

Crossword 625

A prize Opened Oil often pounds will be awarded for the first correct solution 3 October. Entries to: Crossword 625, The Spectator, 11)"Rlity Street, London WC1N 21,L.

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Name , ............................................................................

Address . ....... ..........

................... .............

13 17 21 36 39 40



li ;el 1'1(MR in four Across clues and four Down clues each have


(7' 'ler misprinted. The correct letters, in clue order, spell a ord which must he submitted with solutions.

ACROSS 1 One during stretch gets free (5) 6 Subtle stories, sophistical puzzle (7) 11 Fuddled eccentric gives big pasty (l0) 13 Source of light brook entering choppy Loire (9, hyphened) 15 Perform Italian and Dutch piece (4) 16 Mary with river shellfish (7) 17 Understatement from press (Sun- day) about drink (7) 18 Added thought to one letter (3) 19 Endured as before, didn't budge (10, two words)

21 Moth, say, shortened clothing (5) 24 Timed girl returning about Sun- day (4) 27 Court bench to bar Con. (4) 28 Old houses, some of them escut- cheoned (5)

30 Planks and lath blown over in high winds (10)

33 Hybrid brute died in case (3)

35 NE foe disturbed twice following surrender (7) 36 Uppermost Trias Era — mostly thick rocks (7) 37 A short set measure (4) 38 Paris work-girl rearranged time 'n' tide (9) 39 Mad impulse for movement from place to place (10) 40 State of Jazzy cats, yes? (7) 41 Pastures, it's said, for old Per- sians (5) DOW N I Glue holds rider's fractured bone structure (14, hyphened) 2 Timon's fee? Attendant holds one due (8) 3 A beast about Black Country in past (6) 4 Searching out silk ribbon in bot- tom of bag (9) 5 Vessels, second before capsizing (5) 6 Timbers, staunch natives (8) 7 Laser devastated coons (5) 8 Spy about river for fish (5) 9 Clean heaters, preserve minor flues somehow? (14, two words) 10 Free gin? Wrong — annoying (6) 12 Girl from US Laura cut badly (6) 14 Sprightly bowled, supple (6) 20 Half dead — strain, we hear — causing delay (9) 22 Fates? Seaman carps (6) 23 Mark large town's deficiency (8) 25 Meaning editor introduced (8) 26 Pop's hot wild language (6)

29 Energy, old skill sounds ex- hausted (6)

31 Engineers yield, torn back (6) 32 Vessels I carried in pouches (5) 34 Youthlike opening for Thomas in S. Africa (5) 35 Burns type of fuel from old times, alight (5)