18 APRIL 1829, Page 13


Of the Chinamen mentioned in our last, the Abercrombie Robinson alone has arrived. In the course of her voyage she has suffered severely front sickness, and has lost, we believe, above 50 men.

The accuracy of our recent statement of Company's ships remaining at Canton, and of the dates used for their departure, having been materially sheeted by subse- quent arrangements, we now insert the following as a corrected List, viz. Blacqueen, to sail 25th Dec.; Castle Huntly, 26th; Earl Balcarras, and George tine Fourth, 28th; Reliance, and Marquis Huntly, 3d Jan.; Lord Lowther, 10th ; Marquis Cam.. den, 15t1.t; Orwell, 2011( ; Thomas cvutu, and (icooral Harris, 104,4 Feb., 011 fur

London. The Lady Kennaway, and Lord William Bentinck, were to be despatched for Halifax, the former on the diet Dec., and the latter on the 15th Jan.

Arrived.-At Gravesend, April 14th, H. C. S. Abercrombie Robinson, Innes, from China; Olive Branch, Anderson, and Peru, Graham,from the Cape ; Home, Younger, from the Mauritius; Surrey, Kemp, and Harlequin, Willay, from Bombay ; 16th, Mulgrave, Turner, from Mauritius, and Silence, Jackson, from Manilla. At Ports- mouth, April 15th, Amity, Gray, from Ceylon. At Cowes Rachel, Potter, front Sin- gapore. Off Plymouth, Stentur, Fairweather, from Ceylon. At Liverpool, April 14th, Consbruok, from Bombay. At Ceylon, Seppings, Loader, from London. At Bombay, Scotia, Simeon, from lioness. At Batavia, Dec. 13th, Indianua, Eadie, from London.

Sailed.-From Gravesend, April 12, Statira, ScrIffen, for Bengal ; 16th, Eamont, Walmsley, for N.S. Wales ; and 17th, Friendship, White, for V.D. Land. Spoken.-Nerina, Cape to London, March 19, 22 north, 39 west ; Mountstuart i ed ore, Ritchie, Clyde to 11,anbay„ran. 26,1 north, 20 %vest ; Helen Ellis, from Mauritius to London, Feb. 9, 35 22 cast ; and H.C.S. General Kyd, front Lon- don to St. Helena:lad China, March 6, 1 north, 23 west.


Arrived-In the Downs, April 17, CarnbealCastle, Davey, from Bengal and Madras ; H.C.S. Canning, Baylis, from China and Cape. ()tithe Wight, Mountstttart Elphin- stone, Hemming, from Bombay. At St. Helena, previous to Starch 6, Diamond, Clark ; Alacrity, Findlay; Providence, Ford; and Herculean, SPKean, from Ben- gal. Ulster, Shannon ; Esther, Robinson ; and Bolton, Clarkson, from Bombay. Sir W. Scott, John Ileyee, and Marianne, from Mauritius ; awl Medina, Mordannt, front Madras. At the Cape, previous to Feb. 20, H.C.S. William Fairlie, Blair, from China; - Charles Kerr, Brodie; Almond), Boyd ; and Emma, from Bombay; Arab, Lowe, from Ceylon and Clarinda, Carew, from Singapore.