18 APRIL 1829, Page 13


Tritr-Office, 13.

Memorandum—His Blajesty has been pleased to approve of the 62d Reg. being' permitted to retain on its colours and appointments the word "Peninsula," in com- memoration of the services of the late 21 Bat. of the Reg. in the Peninsula and France, from Oct. 1513, to Aug. 1814.

oil Iteg. Life Guards—Capt. Hugh William Barton, to be Maj. and Lieut.-Col. by purchase, vice 3T:relied, promoted ; Lieut. John Davidson, to be Capt. by purchase, vict. Batton; Cur. and Sub.-Lieut. llon. George. NVillitun Coventry, to be Lieut. by pin chase, Vice Davidson; Thomas Gardnor, Gent. to be Cur. and Sub.Lieut. by purchase, vice Coventt y.

iith Dragoon Guards—Capt. Theodore Walsh, from the 63d Foot, tube Paymaster, vice David II ay, who retires upon half-pay.

7th Li lit Dragoons—Cur. Thomas John Pettat, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice promoted; Guy Lord Dorchester, to be Con by purchase, vice Pettat.

14th Light. Dragoons—Capt. Edward Lane Parry, to be Maj. by porch:ow, vice Townsend, promoted ; Lieut. Ambrose Congreve, to be Capt: by purchase, vice Parry ; Cur. Charles Abbott, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Gougreve ; 1-Loiry Van Stratiltenzee, Gent. to be Cur. by purchase, vice Abbott. 15tit Light Dragoons—Capt. James 5l'Queen, front the half-pay, to be Capt. vice Lewis Shedclen, who exchanges.

17th Light Dragoons—Walter Williams, Gent. to he Cor. by purchase, vice Went- worth, who retires. llth Foot—Gent. Cadet. Gerald Dunterie, from' Royal Military College, to be

Ens. without purchase, vice lValsh, promoted in the 51st Foot. • :Nth Foot—Lieut. Charles Mudge, to be Capt. by purchase, vice Hamilton, who retires ; Eras. John Gage Lecky, from the 95th Foot, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Manche.

Foot—Ens. John Prendergast Walsh, from the 11th Foot, to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Irving, deceased. 04thFoot—E•7s. Edmund Wright, to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Kenyon, pro-

moted' Langmead, Gent. to be Ens. by purchase, vice Wright. • 65th Foot-;.Capt. Henry George Buller, from hatif.pay 88th Foot, to be Capt. vice James Young, who exe..anges.

Slst Foot—Ens. and Adj. Alexander Macdonald, to have the rank of Lieut. ; Staff Assist.-Sur. John FitzGerald, M.D. to be Assist.-Sur. vice Gibson, whose appoint- ment has been cancelled.

1)1)111 Fuot—Lieut. John Wilson, to be Capt. without purchase, vice Woolcombe, dec.; Ens. Frederick Ronny, to be Lieut. vice Wilson ; Gent. Cadet Philip P. Gall wey, from the Royal Military College, to be Ens. vice Hominy. 99:11 Foot—Thomas Cast.•, Gent. to be Ens. by purchase, vice Lecky, promoted its the :roll Foot.

Royal African Colonial Corps—Mai. Alexander Findlay, to be Lieut.-Col. without. purchase. vice Lumley, dec.; Capt. James Ilingston, t o be Maj. vice Findlay ; LiettL- llerbert 31ends, to be Capt. vice llingston ; Ens. William Edward Stanley, to be- Lieilt. vice 3lentis.

Unattached-31:1j. John Townsend, from the 14th Light Dragoons, to be Lieut.- Col. of Infantry, by purchase.

To be Captains of I nfantry, by purchase—Lieut. Thomas Kenyon, from the 04th Foot; Lieut. Charles crespigny Vivian, from the 7th Light Dragoons. Hospital Staff—Staff Sur. Gavin Hilson, 31.D. from the half-pay, tube Sur. to that Forces.

Blemorandum—The undermentioned Officers have been allowed to retire from the service. by the sale of unattached commissions :-3110.-Gen. Henry Charles Darling; Capt. Francis Allman, hall.pay unattached; Capt. Peter Pegus, half-pay tut- attached.

April 16.

Memorandum.—The undermentioned officers upon half-pay have been allowed to retire 1r0111 the service, and their half-pay has been cancelled from the lath of April., 1825, inclusive, on receiving a commuted tillowatice fur their commissions :— Lieut. John Dolhell, half-pay 4th Dragoons ; Ens. George Crawford, half-pay unat- tached; Ens. Alexander Charles Millie, half-pay sIA Foot; Lieut. NVilliain Wright, half-pay Cal Garrison Battalion ; Errs. John Greco, lialf.pay 27th Foot ; Ens. Thomas half-pay 8 1st Foot ; Ens. Charles Augustus Cooke, half-pay :filth Foot ; George 8chiniler Brown, half-pay unattached ; See. Lieut. George Ogle King, Ens- half-pay unattached ; Ens. Robert Hancock, half-pay 30th Foot ; Ens. William Mat:beam half-pay 59th Font; Lieut. Robert Spence Knox, half-pay unattached ; Lieut. James Maynard Gooditf, Cornet, half-pay 18th Light Dragoons; ieut. Thomas Radcliff, half-pay 27th Foot ; Lieut. Thomas Robert Fletcher, half-pay Gilt West India Reg. ; Lieut. Alexander Claybills, half-pay 67th Foot ; Ens. Robert Allah, ball-pay 20th Foot ; Ens. 'William Roberts, half pay 5th Garrison Battalion; Ens. William Hatch, half-pay Cape Reg.