18 APRIL 1829, Page 6

EXI:el/TIONS.—Esther Bilmer, from the time she left the bar of

the ()Id Bailey, on Saturday, till the hour of her execution, on Altinday morning, mani- fested the most hardened impenitence. \Viten slue received sentence, she exclaimed, in a distinct voice, It-ell, they have done their best ; but theugh they have given me law, they have not given me justice." In the menine, one of the turnkeys asked her hew she did ? She replied, "'Tolerably well, but I should be much better if I But my dinner." She refused the aids of religion; and told Dr. Cotton that she knew enough of the Bible herself, and wanted no interpreter. On Stinday afternoon, she was alltoxed liy ban attendants to go into the water-closet; but, as her conduct excited suspicion, she was fol- lowed, and was found to have cut her thrtsd, tyj, !.. Ida she had by

Seine means obtained. The surgeon sewed up ti.: t, and she was se-

cured with a strait-waisteom, -which was as not moonset ,,er execution. On 111,,iitlay morning. site ll1;tilife,:te.l tile heftily. Site NlliS carried to the gallows by two men, as she refused to. walk; and no clergyman attended her last moments. When she reached the platform, the immense

crowd (chiefly composed of females) uttered loud huzzas and yells of every discordant note. The rope was adjusted, and just as the platform fell, the clamour increased to an astonishing degree, and the blood gushed from the Pound. After hanging the usual time, the body was cut down and conveyed in a cart to Bartholomew's Hospital for dissection.

Lan Evans, alias Squire Smal!man, was executed at Shrewsbury on Satur. dayweek, for maliciously shooting Edward Richards, of Bishop's Castle. He had,for a ang period previous to the end of last year, been living most respecta- bly Wales, keeping his hunters and his hounds, and displaying consider- able vealth. , His manners and apparent wealth gained him great favour among the Welsh, by whom he was universally styled " Squire Smallman." It was at length suspected that his money was not very honestly obtained ; and a rubbery having been traced to him, many detainers on other charges were lodged against hint. His sister offered Richards nearly 3001. if he would fist appear on his trial.

1llenuai.--A few days since, a prisoner in the Wakefield House of Cor- rection confessed to a murder which himself and some others perpetrated some months before, but which had never been discovered. The prisoner, the nutr- dered man, and some others, had committed a robbery; and fearful lest their .Thimpanion should divulge the crime, they enticed him t e a shed erected over near an old coal-pit, under pretence of arranging and agreeing upon another robbery. When there they took an opportunity of sehting him and throwing him down the pit ; but before they could accomplish their peep's', the young nem struggled very hard, and in the struggle got the head of one of the men under his arm, and stuck to it so (Anse that in his fall lie look the. man's hat along with him. The pit has, since this confession, been searched, and the body and hat have been found.

On Sunday, two fellows fought across a table in the Sluice-house, Hornsey; when one of them received a blow on the head which knocked him down, and he 'lever spoke again. The Coroner's Jury returned a verdict, " That the deceased died from an accidental blow received in a frierLdly contest."

STME OF MORALS IN Som hasErsunte.—There were two hundred prisoners for trial at the Taunton Assizes; - and it is a fact, says the hut/ GazAte, that " such was the rapid increase of commitments, even durimn the Assize, that, after Mr. Justice Littledale had been disposing of prisoners for three days, there were as many for trial en the fonrth day as when he began." Itaninknins.—On We,inesdav r;; ht. the premises of 111r. Penton, confec- tioner, Cheapside, were entered by thieves, who carried oll'Spanisit bonds. for 7601. and 101. in silver. besides some plate. Suicinc.—An inquest was held in the London Hospital, on Saturday, on the body of George Olden, formerly a schoolmaster in one of his Majesty's ships. Some months since, on account of his wife's infidelity, he attempted to poison himself, which led to his expulsion front Greenwich Hospital. On Thursday night, he said to his landlord, " I have some great news to tell yen. I shall be a corpse in ten minutes." thi had swallowed laudanum, and died inn a short time. Verdict—Insaidtv.

The Ginbe inserted last night a statement of the quantities of gold and silver bullion which have been lately entered for esportation ; and particularly called

the attention of its readers to an entry of I NO ounces of silver col„ tuna, as being somewhat remarkable. Now we believe there is notbiee smgular in the matter; the specie in question being without doubt " usual supply of dollars fur one of the ships about to sail for China. -etch (lie owners of India- num are invariably required by their charts-r'rtY to provide. No one will voluntarily ship specie for India, while me precious metals can be advantage- ously imported from that country, and of late they have proved to be the best fertn of remittance.

Mr. BUCKINGHAM'S Lecruc.ss ON INDIA, &C.—Mr. Buckingham has been very powerfully and successfully spreading the knowledge of Eastern subjects and literature, by delivering a course of six lectures. not only iu several large provincial towns, but also in various quarters of the metropolis. We had no opportunity of attending any of these interesting discussions at the London Tavern last week, nor at Freemason's Ilea this week; but we hope to have the pleasure of getting to Almack's (Willis's Rooms), where they are announced fur the week ensuing.—Literary Gazette.

The parchment-maker: are said to have reaped a profitable harvest by the late unexampled zeal for petitioning. On Saturday, a gentleman of the army gained 500/. by walking eleven miles within two hours. The feat was accomplished on a piece of near Bath, four minutes within the time allowed.

Emu; Kan we—A vessel sailed from Greenock last week, with an associa- tion of families who have agreed to form an cstaNishinent on Lake Huron, in Upper Canada. Four vessels, with two hundred emigants for the Canadas, sailed last week from Leith.

The guardians of the poor of Canterbury have Cottle to the resolution of permitting the emigration of some of the paupers considered most burden- some ; and the Annandale, now lying in Dover harbour, will carry rout forth-

with twenty-two adults and twelve children. If this speculation ano.vers, it is very probable there may he another freight sent, as the applications fur emi- gration have been very numerous.—Kent ..Upprarg.

A young woman lately made a public renunciation of 11 the errors of the Church of England," in the parish-church of Calling-Ire.

Two untliounate young men were hanged '1,c:edify (a Dublin letter in the Morning Jourinti says) on Saturday last at Limerick. They were tried fur burglary. On the trial, an alild was attempted to he proved. but the verdict went against them. They made several solemn asseverations of their inno- cence after the trial. One of the party, who was also found guilty. state.1 solemnly that the other two were not present on the night in I illeS1111:1, and told the name?, of the guilty persons. The matter is said. to lime been properly represented to the Lord Lieutenant, but without chest.

The tribunal of Castles, in France, has decided that the affirmation of an individual, though not a Quaker, shall be received before the tribunal, in terms and according to the mode which, after his religious belief, are admitted to be the most fit to bind his conscience.

The Emperor of Mnroce ims sent Don Miguel a present of 'two lions.

In the smile proportion as file smugglers on the French coast and frontiers imprme fin ingenuity and deception, !IA! 14i141Il:e and penetration of the Custom-house officers increase and detect them. A flock olslieep was hotly driven over the borders, which, on being shorn, would be found to conceal, under an additional sheep's-skin that was covering thuir own, a quantity of lace and tulle. The Custom-house officers got scent. thereof, and seized them. Under the wig of a triiveller coming from Switzerland, Dine Valuable gold watches were discovered. This instance has been published for the in- formation of the Custom-house officers all along the frontiers.

The Duke of Wellington has recently purchased a large estate, formerly the property of Sir Peter Pole, in time neighbourhood of Stratfieldsay, for up. wards of two hundred and fifty thousand pounds. Very lately an English gentleman had great difficulty in getting his pass. port countersigned by the Neapolitan minister here, because lie was supposed (from the mere similarity of name) to be a member of the British House of Commons, who had once, in his place, spoken irreverently of their worships at Nimples.—Nuntiv Paper.