18 APRIL 1840, Page 11

A telegraphic despatch from Madrid, dated on the 9th instant,

and which appeared in the Moniker Parisien of Monday night, aneounces that the Ministers of War, Marine, and the Interior, had resigned, and that their resiguations had been accepted by the Queen. Two telegraphic despatches front Toulon appear in the Monitenr. These communicate the Intelligence that a corps of the army of Abd-el- Kader had fallen into an ambuscade, formed by a native chief, and lost 500 men in killed, whose ears were sent to General Galhois. It would appear front this that some native chiefs are opposed to Abd-el-Kader. The Moniker of Friday coetains a telegraphic despatch front Bay- onne, dated the 9th instant, announcing the surprise and defeat of the 6th and 7th battalions of the Carlist troops of Arragon by Colonel Zur- bane at Pitrarque on the 5th instant ; an affair in which 419 officers and men are said to have been taken prisoners.

The Bulletin of sarragon of the eeth ultimo contains a proclamation addressed by Cabrera to the loyal Navarrese and Basques, in which he cautions them against the alleged friends of Don Carlos, Elio, and other " transactionists, ' who were proceeding to Spain with the view of raising again the standard of insurrection in the provinces.

Bayonne letters of the 6th state that the arrests in the Basque Pro- vinces of' the suspected Carlists by the Christino authorities continued daily to increase.

The accounts which we have received from. Circassia are not favour- able to the Russians. Twenty chiefs are said to have placed themselves under the direction of the chief named Schein% and to have adopted the Arabian tongue, in order to efface all difference of language between them. They have lately destroyed a Russian regiment, bearing the saute of Paskewitsch.—German'Paper.