18 APRIL 1857, Page 2

OE Court.

THE birth of the ninth child of Victoria and Albert took place on the 14th, at Buckingham Palace; and was forthwith announced by the discharge of artillery, and by the publication of a Gazette Extraordinary in the following terms. " Buckingham Palace, Aprillt—This afternoon, at a cjuarter before two o'clock, the Queen was happily delivered of a Princess ; his v Highness Princo Albert, several Lordsof her Majesty's Most FlonourablePrivy Council, oil the Ladies of her Majesty's Bedchamber, being present. "This great and important news was made known to the town by the firing of the Park and Tower guns; and the Privy Council being assembled as soon as possible thereupon at the Council Chamber, Whitehall, it was ordered that a form of thanksgiving for the Queen's safe delivery of a Princess be prepared by his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, to be used in all churches and chapels throughout England and Wales and the town of Berwick-ution-Tweed, on Sunday the 19th day of April, or the Sunday after the respective ministers shall receive the same.

" Her Majesty and the infant Princess are, God be praised, both doing well."

The persons present at the aceouehement were Prince Albert, Dr. Loeock, Dr. Snow, and Mrs. Lilly the nurse, who were in her Majesty's room ; and the Duchess of Sutherland, the Duke of Cambridge, Lord Palmerston, Sir George Grey, the Earl of Clarendon, Mr. Laboachere, Lord Panmure, Sir Charles Wood, the Bishop of London, the Marquis of Breadalbane, Sir James Clark, and Dr. Ferguson, who were in an adjoining apartment. Before two o'clock, the Duchess of Kent and the Princess Hohenlohe longenburg arrived at the Palace ; and in the course of the afternoon the Diplomatic body, and many distinguished persons, called to pay their respects.

The medical bulletin issued yesterday morning

" Buckingham Palace, April 17, 9 a. ,n.—The Queen has had another good night. Her Majeety and the infant Princess continue well. "Janne Ci.sint, M.D. ROBERT FERGUSON, M.D." CHARLES LOCOCK, M.D.

Similar bulletins have been issued daily since the aceouchement.

Prince Albert and the Royal children have taken their usual exercise this week. The Duchess of Kent has called repeatedly at Buckingham Palace.

The Queen gave dinner-parties on Saturday and Monday. The list of her guests includes the Duchess of Kent, the Duke of Cambridge, the

Princess of Hohenlohe Langenbourg, the Prince of Leiningen, Lord and Lady Bloomfield, Lord Polwarth, and Major-General Sir Richard Airey.