18 APRIL 1857, Page 23

Ea.rly ill May Will be pUbliehed, in 1 vol. 8vo.



TM:LINER and Co. 60, Paternoster Itow, Loudon.


"J SIX PER CENT BONUS—Warrants for the guanuiteed interest at hive per Lent per ennui, and an additional One per cent for Bonus for the fourth year, will beforwarded to every Member entitled to the same, on and after the 23th Instant. Prospectuses seat tree to any part of the world. CHARLES LEWIS GRUNEISEN, Secretary. (Mites, No. 33, Norfolk Street, Strand, W. C.


NJ COMPANY, Eilinburgb, 21, St. Andrewl &Mare. SEVENTH DIVISION OF PROFITS. Proposals made before 15th May participate. Moderuto rotes of premium. JOHN M. NPCANDLISH, Manager. Office in London, 69.Lonthard Street.


ASSURANCE and LOAN ASSOCIATION. London 12, Waterloo Place. (Established 1839.) Subscribed Capital One Million.

Incectors ie The Right Hon. the Lord Mayor. William John Alexander,Esq. Frederick James Fuller, Esq. Issues' Sir It. W. C. Bronmriger, Ill. George IV. Sanders, Esq. Frederick W. Caldwell, Esq. William H. Shippard, Esq. Henry Creoles Chilton. Esq. C. S. Whitmore, Esq. Q.C. John 'William Fisher, Esq. Henry Wordsworth, Esq. In connexion with Life Assurances, this Office offers the peculiar advantage of LOANS upon personal security.

J. HILL WILLIAMS, Secretary.


ICJ SOCIETY, 6, New Bridge Street, Illackfriars.

Established 1823. Empowered by Act of Parlimnent, 3 William IV. Directors. Rev RV Fernenicx Smosuusoe, Esq. Chairman. lionaer 1t,cnrra, Esq. Depute-Cliaironee.

A. Kininsford Berber, Esq. Capt. Robert Gordon, ILN.

Henry Rarnett, E. Archibald Hardie, Esq. M.P.

The Rt. Hon. 11.1'. Bonverie, Charles Morris, Esq.

M.P. William Routh, ER.

Thomas Edgar, Esq.

Sir Alex. Duff Gordon, Bart Aug. It. Stephenson, Esq.


Edward Charrington, Esq. I John Oilllatu Stillwell, Rag.

John Howell, Esq. Richuni Taylor, Ilennenuel Page, M.D. Oxon, 11, Queen Street, May Fair. , Surproe—Ileajamln Traver*, Roil E.11.6. Nu. 64, Green Street, Grosvenor Square.

Soloctior—Henry Young. }sq. No. 12, Lame Street, Stroud. Actetary—Jaines John Downes, Hag. F.R.A.S.

The advantages offered by this Society are—hcormay Cam' bleed with Eirce sore, and Lowell RATE.. of Premiums than those of any other °Mee, which entitle the Assured to participate in the Profits, and considerably lower than those of any other Vehsal Assurance Society.

Tax tenons or THE P60,rera an, divided every Fifth Year among the Asaured, and a Bonus is added, after the paymoot of the Fifth Annual Premium, to every policy effected on the Participating Seale, Ifs claim accrue thereon prior (is the next divielon of Prolate.

The sum of 307,000/. was edded to Policies 01 11,0 last Divi• sloe, ii, Issi, which maimed an average Bonus of 67/. per Cent on the Premiums paid.

Number of Policies in forte, upwards of 7400. The Asourance Fund amounts to 1,516,0001. Income upwards id 240,0001. per Annum. No charge for Polley Stantps, nor for Service in the Yeomanry or Militia Corps. The subjoined Tablet shoes the aelmostage. offered by the

Sniety,resultingfrolowpreuilunts, and a divielon of the ,,,,,,fit..o.gta.,d A 0001) SET of TEETH ever insures -CIL favourable impressions, while their preservation is of the utmost importance to every individual, both as regards the general health by the proper rustication of food, and the consequent possession of pure and sweet breath. Ammer the varioue preparationsofforod for the teeth, ROWLAND'S ()HONIG, or PEAR'. DENTIFRICE, Maude unrivalled. Prepared from Oriental Herbs, with unusual care, this MINIM compound will eradicate all tartar and concretions, anti impart a peari-like whiteness to the enamelled surface, remove spots of Incipient decay, render the gums firm and red, and, from its aromatic influence, Impart sweetness and purity to the breath. Price Z. 94. per box. CAUTIoN.—The words" ROWLAIOD14 onovro "see 012 the label, and" A. ROWLAND and 8050, 20, Hatton Garden," on the Govern. ment Stamp ; said by them and by Chorales and Perfumers.


The quality of beds, mattresses, &e, of every description, he in aisle to guarantee; they are made on the prenthrea, In the presence of customers ; their prices are In harmony with those which have tended to stake his House Ironmongery establishment the roost extensive In the kingdom.

Feather beds from gl 6 0 to £8 0 German spring mattresses „ 2 8 0 „ 7 0 Patent Rhea:Line beds „ 1 10 0 „ 6 6 Horse-bair mattresses „ 0 16 0 „ 6 0 Wool mattresses Flock notttresses.......... „ 0 0 9 „ 0 18

Best Alva and cotton math-ems „ 0 6 8 „ 019

Sheets per pair „ 7 6 „ 8 Illosakets each „ 0 3 0 „ 1 4 Toilet quilts „ 0 4 0 „ 1 7 Counte es „ 0 2 6 „ 0 15

Portable folding bedfsteads. „ 0 12 4 „ 4 la Patent iron bedsteads, with dove'

talijoint. „ 0 15 0 „ 8 0 Ornamental braas ditto „ 210 0 „ 20 0 Children's cots „ 019 4 „ 9 0 Bed-hangings In every variety, per set „ 014 010 0 39, Oxford Street, W. 1, Lt, 2, and 3, Newman Street; an 4,1, finds, Perry's Plage, London. Established 1620.

itfAIVERN WELLS.—The Old Well

J.U. Mouse will be opened an a 11YDROPATIIIC ROTA.. BLISHMENT for the reception of Entients the beginning at May 1667. RESIDENT PHYSICIAN—Dr. Ayerst (to whom ail rippi (cations for terms, die. are to he utade.) CONSULTING PHYSICIAN—Dr. Gully.

Malvern Wells, April 1647.

ITARVEY'S SAUCE.—The admirers of s.s. this celebrated Fish Sauce are particularly requested to observe, that none is genuine but that whielt bearrsithe unto of Wi tette LAnnnie on the bark of each bottle, in addition to the front label used no many years, and signed

ELILLOSTW Bawer& Strout, Port-num Square.


—This Is the finest deSeription•of pure Lavender distilled In a manner known only to II. BRIEDENBAC11. It IS strongly recommended fur use in warm ellniatee, on account of Its refteshine qualities. Price, h. pint, 4. 6,6. pint, 8s. pint. ltriodenhaeli'a Royal Distillery of Flowers, 167e, New Bond Street, doing ltmhanyneS.


DELIERS, for GAS and CANDLES.—A groat variety of the newest designs always on view at 44, Oxford Street. Also, is largo assortment of Glass Lustre*, Decanters, Wineglasses, Dessert Services, and every ilmetiptien of Table Masa, at very moderato prices. A large and choice collection of Ornamental Glass of the newest description. Export and furnishing orders executed with despateh.-14, Oxford Street, Manufactory, Broad Street, Memingliam. Established 1607.

IjWE'AR TEDAL todt Soto;

hove patented an Improvenieut the manutlieture of Mattraeses, which preveuta the material felting into a mates, es It does In all Meantime* Made to the ordinary way. The PATENT SIATTRASSES are made of the very best Wool told Horse-Hair only, are rather thicker Own usual, end the prices are but a trifle higher than other good Mattresses. Their ILLESTRATED CATALOGUE of 11111)13115ADS, BEDDING, end BEDROOM FURNITURE, contains also the prices of their Patent Mattrassea, and Is SENT FRED BY Pt./ST.—REAL & SON, 106, Tottenham Court Road, W.


"3111.THER tasted these winos, we say to Demo who like wine possessing richness without sweetuesa, dryness with. out acidity, and body without brandy, by all nunuts give them a trial."—Vide lreckly Messenger, Jun, 17, 1837.

Bottles included, l'ackages allowed for when returned. Delivered free to any of the railway termini in London. Terms Cash. A sample bottle for twenty-four etampsCountry orders most content a remittance. (ntequea to be crossed " Bank of London." J. L. I/sense, Wine 1111d Spirit Importer, 65, Peuckurch Street, London. Countingboue entrance first door-on the left up Railway Place.

This day is published, in crown aro. price 5s.


By &Minn SANG, P.R..S.E. Being a Sequel to " Elementary Arithmetic."

Lately publlelled, by the same Author.


Ill crown tiro. price 5s.

This treatise is intended to supply the greet desillo• ratum of an intellectual instead of a routine course of instruction in arithmetic.

Wria.tAm BLAMIWOoD ft Sores, Edinburgh and London.


By ALEX. KEITH JOHNSTON, F.R.S.E. Geographer to the Queen. Author of the " Physical Atlas," fcc.

Them Atlasra lay rialtola a degree of aceurary and an amount of information not hitherto attempted Ds Educational Worke. The Maps hare been oonelructed with a woeful Mew to the purposes of sound instruction, and are oat eopledfrom any twisting Silas; hence they mill be found free from the common floats of orercrosecting and eonfusion with which so many School Atlases are justly chargeable. By means of a new proms of production, the Mops combine the accuracy mid neatness of the highest style of engraving with a mechanical application of Colours, the effect of which 4. 10 secure a clearness, correctness, and elegance, anapproached by farmer methods.

PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, illustrating, in a

Series of Original Designs, the Elementary Facts of Geology, Hydrology, Meteorology, and Natural Illstory. 20 Maps.

CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY, comprising, in 20 Plates, Maps and Plans of all the Important Countries and Loculities referred to hy Cleardeal Authorn, Wean panted by a complete bides of Places, in which the proper Quantities of the Syllables are marked. By T. Ilativr,v, M.A. Oxon.


A New Edition,

GENFEAL AND DESCRIPTIVE GEOGRAPHY, exhibiting the Actual and Coin purative Extent of all the Countnes in the World ; with their Present Polaticusi Divialona. 25 Maps, inoluding a Map of Palestine, and enlaiged Maps of Scotland, Ireland,

and Switzerland. 4.

ASTRONOMY. Edited by J. R. IIMD, Eoq. F.R.A.S. Re. With Notes and Descriptive Letterpress to each Plate, embodying all recent Discoveries in Astronomy. 18 Maps.

The above ere all uniform in site. Price of each Atlas: in 8vo. (for School Use.) strongly half-bound, 12s. 0.1.; in a Portfolio, each Map separate, and mounted on Canvass, 16s. dd.; in quarto, half-bound morocco, It. Is. Separate Maps mounted on Canvass.

each &I. 5.

ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ATLAS OP GENERAL AND DESCRIPTIVE GEOGRAPHY, for the Vise of Junior Claissee. 20 Maps, including a Map of Canaan and Palestine. Price 7s. Od. halfbound.

WILLIAM BLACKWOOD and Soree, Edinburgh ik London,