18 APRIL 1868, Page 1

M. Baroche, French Minister of Worship, made a speech at

Rambouillet on the 14th inst. pledging the Empire to peace. The plan for constructing parish roads would, he said, be laid before the Legislative Body at its next sitting,—and a plan which will re- quire large funds and many years is a guarantee of peace. French- men are not to believe those " cries of alarm, the talk of war, which either error or malevolence reproduces with a kind of periodicity." That is very satisfactory, particularly when we remember that Napoleon governs France, and not M. Baroche ; that the same plan was produced just before the Italian war, that roadmaking can be stopped at any moment, and that peaceful assurances are almost essential to the success of M. Magne's forth- coming loan. Is that loan to be doubled, perchance, by another for these roads ?