18 APRIL 1891, Page 1


PRINCE BISMARCK has allowed himself to be nominated a candidate for a seat in the Reichstag, the district selected being Geestemiinde, in Hanover. The result in the ballot of Sunday has not been altogether satisfactory to the Prince. Out of 25,000 voters, 16,400 appeared at the poll, and of these, less than half voted for the maker of 'Germany. No less than 4,000 votes were given to the Social Democrat, 2,500 to the Radical candidate, and 2,900 to the favourite of the " Guelphs," or Particularists.' A second ballot will he taken, and it is apprehended that, in order to keep out the Prince, the other parties may combine; but that is unlikely, as the Socialists are stubborn, and the Guelphs can hardly in decency vote with them. It is just possible that the 8,600 ab- stainers may come forward and settle the question ; but if not, we should think Prince Bismarck's return secure. It is said that he desires to resist the social and economic policy of the Government, he maintaining that Protection and severity towards Socialists are essential to the continued vitality of the Empire. Once in the House, however, he is not likely to let foreign questions pass undiscussed.