18 APRIL 1891, Page 24

Elementary Schools. With a Preface by William Benefield. (Percival and

Co.)—This volume contains six lectures delivered with the object of showing how " to increase the utility " of primary schools. Mr. W. Lant Carpenter advocates the teaching of science ; Mr. C. V. Stanford, music; Colonel G. M. Onslow urges the necessity of " Physical Culture and Recreation ; " Mr. George Ricks discusses " Hand-and-Eye Training ; " Miss Ada Heather-Biggs advocates " Evenings of Amusement for Board- School Children ; " and, finally, Mr. W. H. Grieve speaks of the teaching of mechanics. There is not one of these recommenda- tions which does not command our sympathy. But when we regard the whole, it is impossible not to ask : Whore is it to end ? What of the school-rate ? Can you make primary education so complete, and leave the intermediate in so chaotic a condition P The ratepayers are already rebelling. It will be surprising if they do not show their discontent next November.