18 APRIL 1914, Page 13


ITo rag EDITOR Or ran ..811ECTAT014.1 Sra,—As a member of the Society of Friends, an English- man (and octogenarian), I am pleased to see in the columns of last week's Spectator the letter of an "Irish Friend" expressing his astonishment at the apathy of our religious Society in this grave matter of the Home Rule Bill of the present Government. I much fear contact with Parliamentary politics, and particularly the hateful pressure of the party system, has blinded the eyes of too many Friends who range themselves with the supporters of the Radical Cabinet. I venture to Bend you two papers bearing on the business— viz., an appeal of over three thousand Irish Friends in 1893, when the Gladstone Home Rule Bill was before the House of Commons, and a pamphlet by Mr. J. W. Richardson, jun, ex-M.P. for Co. Armagh, disposing of certain partisan state- ments by a prominent Radical, now deceased, published in