18 APRIL 1925, Page 16


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sife—You speak in your note on the Daily Herald and Mrs. Lloyd George's pearl necklace of "professing Socialists -who do extraordinarily well out of journalism " ; this seems to suggest that we of the Herald should look In our own eyes for beams. I should like you to know that no one in this office does "extraordinarily well out of journalism." Here is my own case. When I was asked to edit the paper for its owners (the Trade Unions and the Labour Party), I left the salary to be fixed by the representatives of those bodies, only asking them to fix it low ; and was content to accept half of what I had been earning for some years. I do not call this "sacrifice," for I have enough, and more than enough, for my needs. But I cannot let pass without protest what must appear to many people a suggestion that Labour -journalists are hypocrites and profiteers. I know you are too fair-minded to deny me this right.—! am, Sir, &c.,



The Daily Herald, 2 Carmelite Street, E.C. 4.

[We had not the Daily Herald staff in our mind. Wellknown Labour leaders get handsome prices for articles contributed to various papers—papers of all shades of political thought. Personally, we are delighted that it should be so.— En. Spectator.]