18 APRIL 1931, Page 18

We have frequently recommended in these columns the B.B.C. Talks

Pamphlets, and we wish to draw special attention to two of these which are published this spring. As an intro- duction to the series of talks on India now being given, Profes- sor L. F. Rushbrook-Williams has written an extremely lucid pamphlet " to give those listeners who are un- familiar with India a broad perspective." Professor Rush- brook-Williams succeeds admirably in his task, and there is perhaps no more useful service to the world to-day than the education of the general public on the present state of India. Another Talks Pamphlet which will be appreciated by all- intelligent travellers and by everyone curious to know how the rest of the world lives is entitled, The World and Ourselves. This pamphlet provides a brief introduction to the series of talks under the same title, designed to promote international goodwill. Different European- countries are described, fol- lowed on another day by discussions. These discussions are to be between a representative of the country and Mr. Evelyn Wrench. The World and Ourselves gives a short description of the countries which are being described, and lists of some useful travel books. Talks Pamphlets are published at 3d.

each. * * *