18 APRIL 1931, Page 38


Over a very rough surface the chassis and steering behaved very well indeed. The body, windows and doors, however, do not take so kindly to this harsh treatment. The brakes worked admirably on all occasions, and I was very pleased with the steering under all conditions. The shock absorbers could have been tightened up with advantage.

Forty-five and sixty I found were the maximum speeds on third and top ; naturally neither the acceleration or climb on a 5.3 top gear were very great, but with an engine of this size one expects to use third speed to a very great extent. This was quite satisfactory, and as the engine ran very smoothly throughout its range on either gear, it made it a very pleasant car to handle. There is nothing about this car which should make it at all difficult for a novice to handle or maintain. As the engine is rather exceptionally silent, and gear-changing not difficult, it should be a car one could drive for long distances without fatigue. It should be a sound investment. PELHAM COCHRANE.