18 AUGUST 1832, Page 9


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AYLESBURY.—Lord Nugent has addressed a long, affectionate, and . eloquent farewell to his excellent friends of this independent borough. It is grateful to listen to sentiments like the following from a noblemen; • a landowner, and one who holds high office under the Government of the - country_.

" Elect no man's nominee, who may fetter your choice; elect no neutral man, who may compromise it. Elect no incapable man, who may stultify your choice; elect no a& venturer, who may betray it. • Elect no man who will not pledge himself to a vigilant • and severe control over the public expenditure—to the entire and speedy abolition or British West Indian slavery—to the mitigation of the senseless and inhuman code of • capital punishments—to the advancement of religious liberty—to the protection of - those two main pillars of civil liberty, public education and the freedom of the press-- and to a thorough and searching reform of all abuses in Church and State. Trust nor' to generalities; come to particulars with your candidates. You will be told of Radical 11cform by the adventurer, and of Moderate Reform by the incapable, the neutral, anti the nominee. Every nein who now approaches you will do so in the name of gamin.. Ile will make it his watchword, even though he mean to deceive. Beware of those who.- never gave earnest of their sincerity—beware of those who never voted but against alt practical rererm. It will be endeavoured to delnde you by the old cry of protecting thee - agricultural interest.—words of attractive sound in farmers' ears. Lilt which. a: they ars " generally used, I think you have already begun to discover are fraught with a fatal fal- lacy. High importation duties mean the advancement of the interests of landkedaa at the expense of farmers."

We have untined, the trumpery argument on this head with which Sir 'fhomas Lennard seeks to tickle the ears of the calves of Essex. BERKSHIRE.—The apathy of the electors in this county to the effects to be produced by the proper use of the Reform Bill, is astonish- ing. They have been bawling for the Bill for the last eighteen months ; and now that their desires are accomplished—that it is in their power, by sending proper men to Parliament, to insure the fruits of Reform—they are led astray by the golden baits or threats of the Tories. Certainly large 'sums are expended, in various ways, by the overthrown party, to insure the success of the two candidates—the two Ps, as they are termed. Tradesmen that are refractory are threatened;

orders are given in abundance to the more complying ; expensive feeds are got up at the inns in towns and the pothouses in the villages ; gentlemen and magistrates lend their houses for this purpose ; the greatest dainties, the finest wines, are liberally supplied ; and after din- ner, the guests are registered, and canvassed for Posey and Palmer. In several instances, the former gentleman has made his appearance with Mr. Palmer at these feasts, Nvbieh are got up ostensibly for celebrating the return of Mr. Palmer for the County. Mr. Walter, in the midst of this din, is pursuing his way calmly and steadily • he has names suffi- cient registered, and promises given, to carry his election—although his friends are stigmatized as Levellers and Radicals and although it is as- serted that he is only supported by the idle, profligate, and discontented rabble.—From a Correspondent.

BLACKBURN. —The number of registered electors in Blackburn is 615.

CAMBRIDGE.—The Cambridge Chronicle, a Tory paper, states that a gentleman of what it calls Liberal principles, is likely to offer him- self for the town.

CAMSRIDGESIIIRE.—Captain Yorke has accepted the invitation made to him, and trill contest the county.

DOVER.—Disputes, we are sorry to state, run high between the two candidates for Dover, Captain Stanhope and Mr. Holcomb. Reflec- tions on private character have been made, and language used such as is not customary to pass between gentlemen.—Kentish Chronicle.

• ESSEX.—Mr. Alexander Baring, the new candidate for the Northern Division of this county, is stated to have purchased considerable pro- perty there. For how many places is Mr. Baring candidate ?

ESSEX, Sournmix DIVISION.—In compliance with an invitation to

that effect, Sir Thomas Lennard has declared himself a candidate. Sir Thomas is friendly to a reform in the Church, and to such a com- mutation of tithes as will relieve industry ; he will do his best to put down Negro slavery and military flogging, and to maintain the Corn- laws. On this topic, Sir Thomas speaks with the zeal and confidence of interest : he has DO misgivings upon it— I must declare myself decidedly a friend to giving an adequate and a full protection to the English tamer. Whatever may be said in defence of the principles of free trade, viewed in the abstract, few men, I think, will venture to contend that they can be fairly applied to the agricultural interests of this country, loaded as they now are by a number of heavy and peculiar burdens. I shall. therefore, resist, should I obtain a scat in Parliament, any measure by which it may be proposed to take from the farmer that fair and just protection to whieh libel he is justly entitled."

i " Call t by the right name," Sir Thomas. The best thing that a Reformed Parliament could do for the flamers would be to burn the Corn-laws. Their end and aim was and is to keep up the landlords' rents ; and, as far as the laws of nature have permitted, they have done so. To call them a protection for the farmer, is a perversion of huiguage, as hypocritical as it is untrue. They were never meant for a protection, nor have they ever operated as a protection, to the farmers.

HAMPSIIIRE.—Several gentlemen are mentioned as likely to become candidates for the Southern Division of this county ; among whom are Mr. Sturges Bourne, Sir William Heathcote, and Mr. Fleming; but the only avowed name is that of Sir George Staunton.

RARIVICIL—We hear the son of a noble Lord (not yet named) was proposed at the Conservative club as a colleague for Mr. Henries in the representation of the borough of Harwich, in opposition to the Radi- cals of that place. We hope the Reformers of Harwich possess too much good sense and fortitude not to prevent the return of men so completely. opposed to the interests of their town.

Hou..—The candidates at present announced are Mr. William Hutt, of Streatham Castle, and Mr. Matthew Hill, barrister.

LEEDS.—Mr. Sadler has begun his arrangements with a view to the representation of Leeds.

Lunrow.—Mr. W. Danies, of Cabalva, has declared himself. There are now four candidates.

MAItYLEBONE.—The lady of Sir William Home, it is reported, has been personally canvassing the electors. If the report be true, cer- tainly Sir William ought to be rejected on this ground alone. At a meeting of the friends of Sir Samuel Wholly, a Mr. Madcalf boasted of having given a negative to her Ladyship's solicitation—no great ex- ploit even for a Madcalf. Sir Samuel declines coalescing with Co- lonefJones : he wishes to stand or fall by himself. He will be in- dulged, we believe, in either alternative—he has only to choose. He Las no chance of progressing, but he may stand till the election is over, and after. Colonel Jones and Mr. Portman appear at present the favourites.

MIDDLESEX.—From an expression of Mr. Hume, it would appear as if an opposition to his return were seriously meditated. If it be so, the electors ought immediately to bestir themselves. Committees can- not be formed too soon or too numerously. The opponent of Mr. Hume—if there be one—will, it is understood, be the father of Mr. Bingham Baring. The same gentleman has received an insinuated

invitation to stand for Bristol. We should suppose that the principles of the redoubtable champion who so gallantly carried off Mrs. Deacle, -would find more sympathy among the Bristolians than among the free- holders of Middlesex.

NORTHUMBERLAND.—Lord Howick, Mr. Culley, and Lord Ossul- ston, are respectively employed in canvassing the electors of the Northern Division of this county.

NOTTINGHAM-SHIM—Mr. W. J. Norton has met with a favourable reception from the electors of the Southern Division; a day or two sgo, they prepared a splendid procession at Bingham by way of corn- cut to him.

PRESTON.—Captain J. Forbes has addressed the electors of Pres- ton. He avows the same principles as Mr. Hunt, though he does not express them quite so clearly. His first sentence (he has but three) occupies nineteen lines. He addresses the people of Preston as brave electors. This is characteristic.

ROCIIESTER.—The Reformers here have invited Mr. Newnham Collingwood te oppose Mr. J. Mills. The latter is wholly unworthy of any Reformer's support.

SALFORD.—On the subject of Colonel Evans's estimates, we have received the following communication.

,c In reading the Debates in your Paper of last week, I perceive Colonel Evans is reported to have said that only 40 persons had paid their rates in this borough. To show how little such statements are to be relied on, 1 hand you the number of registered persons in each township of it.

Township of Salford exceeds 1100 Township of Pendleton is 280

Township of Broughton 133

Total 1513

" With regard to Manchester, I am informed, that for the township of Man- chester alone, their list did contain upwards of 4,000 names."

The same correspondent informs us, that one of the candidates for the borough of Salford—Mr. Thomas Hopkins—withdrew on the 15th from the contest.

SOMERSETSHIRE.-111r. Luttrell, who offers for the Western divi- sion of this county, has made a personal canvass of Bridgewater and its neighbourhood.

Sourii SIIIELDS.—Mr. Ingham and Mr. Palmer are the candidates..

TIVERTON.—The friends of Mr. Heathcote and Mr. Kennedy speak with confidence of the result of their canvass. Mr. Burgess has retired ; and Mr. Wood, who was talked of, has not yet made his ap- pearance.

YORKSIIIRE.—A meeting of the Leeds Political Union took place on Tuesday, to receive replies to questions proposed by that body to the several candidates for the West Riding of this county. Letters were read from Lord Morpeth, Mr. Strickland, Mr. Macaulay, and Mr. John Marshall, in reference to certain pledges which had been demanded from them ; after which, resolutions were agreed to, expres- sive of the determination of the 'Union to support Messrs. Marshall and Macaulay at the next election.

BurE.—Mr. Charles Stuart has finished his canvass for this county, and has sent a letter of thanks to the electors.

CAITIINESS.—Mr. W. Horne of Stirkoke has announced his inten- tion of contesting the representation of the county of Caithness with the sitting member, Mr. Sinclair.

EDINBURGR.—A day or two ago, Mr. Abercromby met some of the electors of the Southern districts, and stated his pretensions. One gentleman wished him to pledge himself on the subject of accepting the Speakership ; but the meeting would not allow the question to be put. Mr. Robert Thomson moved that tile meeting declare that Mr. Aber- cromby was a fit and proper person to represent Edinburgh; which was carried with great cheering.

It seems now allowed, that Mr. Jeffrey and Mr. Abercromby will be the members. As far as the Reformers are concerned, we rather think that no opposition will be offered. What opposition the Tories may be able to offer, we are not fully aware, but we believe it will be found to be very feeble. Under these circumstances, it would he sur- plusage to dwell on the merits of the Lord Advocate or his honourable coadjutor, more especially as we have .already expressed very decidedly our opinions respecting both.

There is just one point worth adverting to, of which a great deal has been attempted to be made. The Lord Advocate has been charged with neglecting his duty by attending to Scotch appeals. Now the number of days that the Lords sat on Scotch appeals was only 22; iii perhaps two-thirds of which the Lord Advocate was concerned. The number of the Commons' Vote paper of last Thursday is 148: so that, had the Lord Advocate been absent on every day on which Scotch ap. peals were heard, he would yet have been present six out of every seveit days that the Commons met. We need not say that the appeals in the House of Lords do not prevent attendance in the Commons ; but if they did, it was still in the power of the Lord Advocate to give a more close attendance there than perhaps any member of the House actually did, Mr. Hume only excepted. The enemies of the Lord Advocate show little wisdom in raising such objections as these. They are of a par with an objection made against Mr. Abercromby ; who having first of all given up his practice for a Judgeship of 4,0001., and then having, for the public convenience, given tip the Judgeship for 2,000/. a year, is gravely told that he is a.pensioner and a sinecurist.

EI.GIN Bonous.—The new candidate for the Elgin Boroughs is Mr. Holt Mackenzie.

KINCARDINESHIRE.—Though this county is the very focus of Toryism, Mr. Burnett, the Liberal candidate, has had a successful canvass.

PAISLEY.—There was a report of its being the intention of Mr. Morrison the sitting Member for Ipswich, to offer for this town ; but that gentleman has agreed to stand again for Ipswich. The Glasgow Courier states that Mr. Smith of Jordanhill is now generally spoken of as a candidate. Sir John Maxwell has had a successful canvass.

PERTI4.—Letters strongly commendatory of Mr. Hyde Villiers have been received by the Reformers of this town from Mr. Macaulay, the Lord Advocate, and several other public men. They can hardly com- mend Mr. Villiers more highly than he deserves.